Main aims of the project are:
a. to check the presence of lowland adder populations in the known (published) and potentially suitable unknown localities;
b. to list all threats the lowland adder populations are exposed to, and consider necessary conservation measures;
c. to obtain, wherever possible, basic adder population parameters;
d. to educate local inhabitants, managers and decision-makers of the need to preserve this snake species and its habitats, in order to ensure the background for future local management plans.
Bosnian adder.
Detailed field searches for the Bosnian adder populations shall be performed in suitable lowland habitats in northern Serbia (the Vojvodina province). Our intention is to obtain precise data on their current distribution, levels of mutual isolation, and threats to which this strictly protected species is exposed. We shall collect the basic population information (population sizes and densities, sex ratios, age structures): these shall serve as the foundation for future studies, and as the basis upon which we shall propose conservation and monitoring activities. Basic morphological measurements shall be recorded which will enable the comparisons of lowland Bosnian adders in Serbia with populations of this species in other parts of our country, and in several other Balkan countries.
Along with field research activities, we shall establish contacts with local schools, farmers, forestry services, and authorities, and give them talks and presentations concerning adders, their roles in natural and human-altered ecosystems, and potential threats to humans. One of our primary aims is to reduce fear and break the prejudices which surround vipers (and snakes in general): we will explain the basics of snake behaviour, and present the data from publications concerning the incidence and severity of snakebites (available for several European and Balkan countries). We shall highlight the importance of adders in agroecosystems, as natural regulators of rodent populations. Also, we shall emphasize the need for maintaining the mosaic structure of habitats and for preservation of the remaining corridors between suitable habitat patches: these are under severe pressures from the already existing and newly proposed monoculture plantations in the Vojvodina province. Printed educational materials, covering main themes of the project, shall be provided for all target groups.
Main aims of the project are:
a. to check the presence of lowland adder populations in the known (published) and potentially suitable unknown localities;
b. to list all threats the lowland adder populations are exposed to, and consider necessary conservation measures;
c. to obtain, wherever possible, basic adder population parameters;
d. to educate local inhabitants, managers and decision-makers of the need to preserve this snake species and its habitats, in order to ensure the background for future local management plans.