20 May 2013 Balqash, Kazakhstan, Asia Birds
Proposed research and conservation actions will allow to estimate more carefully modern population trend for Ile subspecies of Turkestan Ground-jay (Podoces panderi ilensis) is involved into IUCN Red List and Red Data Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Red Data Book of Almaty's administrative region, and is just one endemic subspecies (geographically isolated population) among bird fauna of Qazaqstan. The realization of project will be one of practical contents in fulfilment of general conception of sustainable development and environment conservation in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Saker falcon fledglings - this species as a new enemy for Ile subspecies Turkestan Ground-jay appeared in the same habitats.
The evaluation current number, mosaic distribution and population trend and to update data on biology/ecology of Ile subspecies of Turkestan Ground-jay population with using modern non-invasive methodology for zoological/ecological research as camera trapping (photography/video), which will allow to study relationship of it with other wild species in same habitats.
For achieve these objectives it will be providing expeditions and medium/short field trips in the Southern Balkhash area in order to fulfil tasks. To increase understanding of priorities for Ile subspecies of Turkestan Ground-jay population survival and saving their habitats (by decreasing degradation of semi-desert biotopes in Southern Balkhash valley) amongst people communities.
To provide conservation actions (within short/medium field trips, inclusive local communities training) such as the meetings, lectures, conversations into schools in South Balkhash area and other local state/private organizations with distribute the published leaflets, posters, calendars (focusing for project tasks). It will allow to involve different group of local/city’s communities and officials in process sustainable use of local natural resources and to increase their informative level about importance for conservation with more focusing for survival Ile subspecies of Turkestan Ground-jay and save their habitats. Also for that it will be create Radio/TV reportages/programs in local/republican air channels both in Qazaq (Kazakh) and Russian.