Conservation and Management of the Aquatic Diversity of the “Laguna ee Zacapu” Protected Natural Area in Conjunction With the Integration of Local Knowledge

2 Oct 2024 La Zarcita, Zacapu, Michocán, Mexico, Central and Latin America Fishes

Arely Ramírez García

Other projects

13 Dec 2019

Fish Community Structure and its Function in an Aquatic Hot Spot Mexican Subtropical Lake

Lake Zacapu and La Zarcita springs form a Protected Natural Area (PNA) in Michoacán State, México, which is a priority site for freshwater fish conservation. This area is home to a Critically Endangered endemic salamander and five Endangered endemic fish species, and another six fish species that are in other threat categories in the IUCN Red List, and the Official Mexican Standard (NORMA-059-SEMARNAT-2019). From 2019 to 2023, we studied the changes related to fish populations and made comparisons with the previous study that was undertaken in 1996. The reproductive biology and trophic ecology of the fish species in Lake Zacapu and the La Zarcita springs were studied. This information was distributed to state and municipal authorities, as well as to the fishermen's union, resulting in decisions being made about the fishing and supply rules for the PNA.

Skiffia lermae. ©Luis Baltazar.

Skiffia lermae. ©Luis Baltazar.

In this new step of the project, we will control all non-native species and repopulate La Zarcita springs with native species, and participate in updating the PNA Management Plan and develop an environmental education program to contribute to its conservation and the sustainable management of aquatic resources.

Header: Natural Protec Area “Lagua de Zacapu”. ©Luis Baltazar.

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