19 Dec 2007 Cochabamba, Bolivia, Central and Latin America Amphibians
The conservation of Bolivian threatened amphibians, providing diversity and ecological information through surveys and education workshops in poorly known areas.
Phyllomedusa boliviana.
Bolivia is a mega-diverse country holding a large percentage of the world’s biodiversity. This richness contrasts with the poor knowledge of its biodiversity and lack of economic resources. Bolivia holds more than 230 amphibian species, more than 22 of these species are endemic, many have restricted ranges and c. 35 are threatened. Additionally, many species are ‘data deficient’ as we know little regarding range, ecology and populations sizes. Recent work has highlighted priority areas for amphibian conservation, such as the Andean slopes. But gap analysis has shown that there are a number of areas (e.g., the Yungas forests and Dry Valleys) with tremendous richness and endemism which hold habitats that are severely threatened and very poorly known regarding amphibians. Also, more worryingly, a number of sites (even within protected areas) require immediate conservation action. Therefore, the work outlined in this proposal agrees with the current priorities of the Bolivian conservation and scientific community for amphibians; namely increased knowledge for certain areas, sites and species in tandem with community activities to reduce habitat loss at high priority sites.
The amphibian decline has been acknowledged as a global conservation priority. Several countries have implemented amphibian conservation schemes, but Bolivia has no such strategy. This project combines three main components:
1. Amphibian surveys: We will provide information on range, ecological requirements and abundance for data deficient, restricted range and threatened species at 7 areas. These data are absolutely crucial to allow the Bolivian conservation community to assess the current threatened status, develop and initiate realistic conservation measures.
2. Protected areas & community action: We will work closely with protected areas, indigenous and rural communities. We will train park-guards, local people and young biologists in amphibian survey techniques and conservation issues that will allow us to disseminate our work throughout local communities. This will provide interested and receptive individuals from communities and protected areas that will support the development of future monitoring, conservation education initiatives.
3. Conservation education: We will carry out conservation education workshops aimed at communities where severe habitat loss/degradation is occurring and which contain important populations of amphibians of conservation concern.
This will hopefully interest protected area administrators and local communities to be part of future conservation projects. We will hold a week-long amphibian conservation event in 2008 “Year of the frog” in Cochabamba’s Museum to increase conservation awareness of amphibians and the habitats in which they live in particular.