1 Jul 2015 Hisham’s Palace, Palestine, State of, Middle East Forests | Plants
Creating a Public green space and park development for peace promotion; Development of innovative tree nurseries utilizing latest research and international best practices; utilizing solar energy
Solar panels.
The Jericho nursery will benefit underserved Palestinians across the West Bank.
Once this infrastructure is in place, we aim to bring utilize new technology and improved nursery techniques with the support of the US Forest Service, International Programs to produce 500 viable seedlings well suited to survive the harsh sites they will be planted in. As our staff capacity increases, we hope to increase production and provide outreach to other nursery efforts.
We aim to plant these trees in different parts of Palestinian starting with the new Tarqumia Park in Hebron, and another park site in Ramallah next to a water recycling station in need of increased vegetation. Each year we shall identify new locations in different parts of the country in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture. Trees will be distributed freely, though tree recipients and out planting sites will be vetted to ensure success.
We also aim to utilize this project to experiment with different planting methods and promoting the renewal of hardy native species well-suited to out planting sites. As we learn we hope to publish our results and share them within Palestine and throughout the region.
General Outcomes:
A fully equipped and operational model tree nursery open for all those interested. This is a pilot project that can help expand our work or others who would like to learn from us.
Activities and Methodology:
To develop infrastructure as indicated above, we will need least 6 months if all funds are available. We have re arranged the above list in order to show what we have secured/have available and what still need in the future:
1) 2000m fence and gates (Available)
2) 80 square meter office and storage area (Available)
3) 20 cubic meter water tank (Needed)
4) Water connection from local stream (Available)
5) Two greenhouses w/ equipment and trays (Available)
6) Automated Irrigation system, and monitoring (Available)
7) Solar panel off grid 5KW electrical mini station with batteries (Needed)
8) Security system (Available)
9) Purchase of seeds and grow media (Needed)