Adaptation of Pasture Land New Management Regulations and Argali Wild Sheep Habitat Protection at the Community Area

16 Jan 2012 Tov Province, Mongolia, Asia Communities | Habitats | Mammals

Batsukh Nemekhjargal

Other projects

15 Feb 2007

Support Herders Initiative to Establish Community Managed Areas at the Borders of Buren and Bayan-Unjuul Soums of Tuv Aimag

4 Aug 2008

Support and Strengthen Established Herder’s Communities

The aim of the project is to promote and expand Community Conservation Areas and community based natural resource management approach in Mongolia.

Basing on protection of Argali as a key species and its natural habitats ensure long term conservation of wildlife and sustainable natural resources use in the Unjuul mountains area by supporting and strengthening the being established herder’s communities.


The experiences of projects implemented by WHA show that informal herder communities need to be substantially strengthened to be able to manage natural resources and pastoral risk. In the case of pasture use, they need formal recognition as a natural resource management unit, and there needs to be a mechanism to facilitate their sustainable use of pasture. That mechanism is an agreement between a recognized herder group and the soum governor. The agreement formally recognizes the rights and responsibilities of both parties. Recognizing a community's rights to access certain resources provides an important tool for managing the commons. Herders have the assurance that they will be rewarded for protecting pastures against increasing anarchy of use. Without such assurances, it will be difficult for herders to implement key pastoral risk management measures such as adjusting the size of their herds to over-winter carrying capacity, or respecting seasonal pasture rotations.

Planned activities:

Organize training seminar for soum officials, bag governors and leaders of herders groups including the implications of the new land law for managing pastures

Training for all stakeholders to introduce and implement Parliament decision to create and organize at the local sites animal husbandry products stock exchange and market system structures involving herders and local citizens. Discussion on how to improve the veterinary services. Self governance of herders group, about how to form and participate in the animal husbandry products stock exchange and market system structures. Introduce the domestic animals’ insurance system implemented by the World bank initiate and discuss about involvement of herders group.

Conduct Land Use Survey to identify pressing problems in pastureland management and recording of the existing possession/use of pastoral resources by herders groups. Curry out field survey to count Argali and Ibex population and habitat assessment. Comparative studies on current state of socio, economy and livelihood options of the local citizens and communities

Improve common understanding and knowledge of main stakeholders such as representatives of local authorities, NGOs, herders communities and citizens of soums on conservation and sustainable natural resource management and their role and participation in it.

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