This project is working to help the population of lesser-spotted eagles in Slovensky raj National Park to nest successfully.
The lesser spotted eagle, Aquila pomarina, is one of the most endangered bird species in Europe. In the Eastern part of Slovakia, there is still a relatively strong and stable population of this species. However, its nesting success is low. In particular, it is dependent upon sufficiency of stable nests in old and wind-resistant forest stands.
The aim of this project is to improve in the long term nesting success of lesser-spotted eagle in and around Slovensky raj National Park. Nests in use will be monitored and habitat parameters studied to identify habitat preference. The results will be used in preparation of forest management plans, in order to limit impact of future logging on the nesting birds in selected forest stands. At localities with lack of stable nests artificial nests will be installed and slipping nests will be supported by nest stabilizers. Finally, information materials will be produced to create greater awareness of the threats to lesser-spotted eagle.