14 May 2024 Mitla-Yagul Landscape in the central valley of Oaxaca, Mexico, Central and Latin America Birds | Forests | Communities | Reptiles
This project consists of biodiversity participative conservation in the Mitla-Yagul biocultural landscape, which includes the Prehistoric Caves of Yagul, Union Zapata and Mitla, recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Serpiente Corredora (Masticophis mentovarius). ©Torres-Barragán, C. A..
The project takes an integrative approach to conservation, bringing cultural and natural aspects together, and does so in a way that involves local actors (ejidos and communities) in the knowledge and development of conservation strategies. Therefore, to conserve biodiversity and endangered species, the project considers conservation areas and forest areas without strict (formal) protection, where in addition to documenting biodiversity through two parameter groups (reptiles and birds), we work to identify biocultural values and attributes at the landscape scale. This is based on the premise that if the ecosystems and its species are conserved, then associated these biocultural values and attributes will be also, and vice versa.
Entrance to the voluntary conservation area of Villa Diaz Ordaz. ©Torres-Barragán, C. A..
Header: Wetland of Yagul. ©Torres-Barragán, C. A..