
249 projects

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Patrick Jules Atagana 24 May 2018

Bat Community Response to Forest Loss and Habitat Conversion in Southern Cameroon I

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Viridiana Llaven Macías 30 Apr 2018

Population Dynamics, Genetic-Phenotypic Variation of the Bat Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana (Chiroptera: Molossidae), in Cueva San Francisco, Chiapas, Mexico

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Kristen Marie Lear 26 Apr 2018

Bats, Agaves, and People: Filling Critical Knowledge Gaps and Building Local Capacity to Conserve the Endangered Mexican Long-Nosed Bat and its Foraging Habitat

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South Africa

David Wechuli 26 Apr 2018

Potential Impacts of Climatic Change on the Foraging Efficiency of Species of Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera)

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Rodrigo de Macêdo Mello 11 Apr 2018

Landscape Structure Shaping Multi-Trophic Interactions among Plants, Bats and Ectoparasites in a Fragmented Tropical Forest Mosaic


Albérico Queiroz Salgueiro de Souza 11 Apr 2018

Assessing the Effects of Landscape-Scale Deforestation on Phyllostomid Bat Assemblages in Brazilian Atlantic Forest Landscapes

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Nziza Julius 8 Mar 2018

The Conservation of Diverse Bat Species (Mammalia:Chiroptera) in Volcanic Caves at Musanze District, Northern Rwanda

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South Africa

Mariëtte Estelle Pretorius 7 Mar 2018

Land-Use Change Effects on the Space Use of Cave-Dwelling Bat Assemblages

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Jasmin Pasic 7 Mar 2018

Study of Bat Fauna within Protected Area of National Park Kozara

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Eugenia Cordero Schmidt 27 Feb 2018

Nectar-Feeding Bats: Habitat and Resource Limitations in a Seasonal Tropical Dry Forest of Brazil and Inputs for their Conservation

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Heliana Dundarova 22 Feb 2018

Underground Habitats as a Unit for Conservation of Vulnerable Bat Communities in South-Western Kyrgyzstan

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Jennifer Awuah Owusua 15 Feb 2018

Developing a Spatial Database of Bat-bushmeat Hunting and Trade to Enhance Conservation Planning and Disease Surveillance in Southern Ghana

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Rohit Chakravarty 2 Feb 2018

Establishing a Paradigm for Long-Term Monitoring of Bat Communities along an Elevational Gradient in the Himalayas of Uttarakhand

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Roberto-Emiliano Trejo-Salazar 17 Jan 2018

Leptonycteris yerbabuenae in a Natural Experiment for Conservation: Contribution with Bat Friendly Tequila Production

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Noumbissi Tenku 6 Dec 2017

Farmer-Supported Creation of Bat Sanctuary in the Ekona-Lelu Montane Forest

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Giulliana Appel 30 Nov 2017

Activity of Aerial Insectivorous Bats in Response to Climate Conditions, Prey-Predator Interaction and Moonlight Intensity in Amazon Fragmented Environment

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Minerva Ángela Uribe Rivera 22 Nov 2017

First Acoustic Monitoring System for Bats in Natural Protected Areas of Baja California, Mexico

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Tijo K Joy 6 Nov 2017

Study on Chiroptera Specifically Focusing on Endemic and Endangered Species Conservation Status and Ecosystem Service in the Mountains of Southern Western Ghats

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Raphael Reinegger 6 Nov 2017

The Feeding Competition between an Invasive Macaque Macaca fascicularis and the Mauritian Flying Fox Pteropus niger


Hossein Zohoori 31 Oct 2017

Cave Bats Need Cavers to Protect Them

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South Africa

Monique Shanahan 17 Oct 2017

Piloting the Development of Indicators to Assess and Monitor Bat Populations

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Víctor Hugo Mendoza Sáenz 16 Oct 2017

Incidence of Attacks of the Vampire Bat (Desmodus rotundus) in Chiapas, Mexico: Implications on Economic Activity, Public Health, and Biodiversity Conservation

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Gonzalo Ossa 5 Sep 2017

The Next Frontier for White-Nose Syndrome: Identifying Areas of Chile Vulnerable to Disease Transmission in Order to Facilitate Preventative Efforts

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Jean Claude Tumushime 4 Sep 2017

Mapping Roosting Habitats of Straw-Coloured (Eidolon helvum) Fruit Bats in Kigali City and Rwamagana District and Enhancing their Conservation

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Marisol Martínez-Bautista 4 Sep 2017

Feeding Ecology and Conservation of Roosting and Foraging Sites of Long-Nosed Bats (Leptonycteris) in Mexico and Effects of Human Activities