
758 projects

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Khadananda Paudel 19 Jan 2018

Evaluating the Factors Limiting the Conservation of Critically Endangered Red-Headed Vulture and Engaging Local Community for the Species Protection in Nepal

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Tsetagho Guilain 17 Jan 2018

Assessing the Conservation Status of Threatened Avifauna of Mount Manengouba, Cameroon

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Mfombo Didacus Tamambang 9 Jan 2018

Consolidating Diet, Foraging Behavior and Conservation Actions of Bannerman’s Turaco in the Bamenda Highland Forest (BHF)

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Dorah Mbogo 9 Jan 2018

Engendering Conservation: Gender-Responsive Approach in Restoring Habitat for Globally Endangered Bird Anthus sokokensis in Ruvu-South Coastal Forest, Tanzania

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Martin Odino 2 Jan 2018

Identifying the Drivers of Intentional Wild Bird Poisoning and Providing Sustainable Alternatives to Wild Bird Poaching and Consumption

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Canek Rivera Arroyo 12 Dec 2017

Density Estimation and Distribution of the White-Crowned Parrot (Pionus senilis): A Threatened Species

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María Inés Pereda 4 Dec 2017

Colony Guardians and Predator Exclusions to Protect Saffron-Cowled Blackbirds Populations in Argentina

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Sonal Arora 1 Dec 2017

Characterisation and Conservation of Galliformes Habitats in the Upper Catchment of Tons Valley through Geospatial Technology and Community Participation

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Mireya Carrillo Garcia 23 Nov 2017

Reinforcement for Community Bird Monitoring in a Ramsar Site in Chiapas, Mexico

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Anay Serrano Rodríguez 9 Oct 2017

Genetic Diversity of an Endangered and Endemic Bird of Yucatan Peninsula (Campylorhynchus yucatanicus) for Conservationist Aims II

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Fredrick Ojija 22 Sep 2017

Enhancing Ecological Habitat for Critically Endangered Long-Billed Tailorbird (Artisornis moreaui) Through Community Empowerment in Nilo Nature Reserve,Tanzania

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Uros Pantovic 20 Sep 2017

Long-Term Conservation of Key Biodiversity Sites in Serbia – Evaluation and Designation of a New National Network of Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas

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Everton Bernardo Pereira de Miranda 20 Sep 2017

Building a Conservation Strategy for the Harpy Eagle in the Amazon Forest II

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Mohammod Foysal 14 Sep 2017

Status, Breeding Biology and Conservation of the Globally Vulnerable Indian Spotted Eagle (Aquila hastata) in Bangladesh

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Prudence Ndabasanze 4 Sep 2017

Empowering Women for Sustainable Conservation of Akanyaru IBA

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Francisco Santander 4 Sep 2017

Raptors in Forests Plantations: Effects of Landscape Structure and Harvest Activities

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Abhijit Boruah 4 Sep 2017

Reviving White-Winged Duck from Extinction in Dehing Patkai Wildlife-Sanctuary, Assam, India

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Nika Paposhvili 18 Jul 2017

Conservation of Velvet Scoter on Tabatskuri Lake in Georgia

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North Macedonia

Emanuel Lisichanets 10 Jul 2017

Long-Term Conservation Measures for Imperial Eagles in Macedonia

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Alyona Koshkina 5 Jul 2017

Identifying Migration Routes to Conserve Central Asian Population of White-Headed Duck (Oxyura leucocephala)

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Neba Luise Ngwa 4 Jul 2017

An Assessment on the Status and Conservation of Turaco bannermani in North West Cameroon

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Luciano Hiriart-Bertrand 21 Jun 2017

Towards Penguin Conservation through the Implementation of Coastal Indigenous Community-Based Management

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Sandhya Manandhar 20 Jun 2017

Integrating Vulture Conservation and Ecotourism Promotion at Giddhabase (Vulture Habitat) of Tanahun District, Nepal

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Ícaro Menezes Pinto 20 Jun 2017

Do Changes in Bird Assemblages Impact Local Seed Dispersal and Insectivory in Tropical Forests?

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Dessalegn Obsi Gemeda 8 May 2017

Scaling-Up Public Education and Awareness Creation towards Conservation of Vulnerable Black Crowned cranes in Seka Chekorsa District of Jimma Zone, Ethiopia