
758 projects

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Galo Alfredo Buitrón-Jurado 19 Jan 2011

Magnet Trees for Birds in Venezuelan Cloud-Forests

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Nicholas Bayly 10 Jan 2011

Crossing the Caribbean: Working Towards Effective Protection of Critical Stopover Sites for Migratory Birds in Northern Colombia

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Thandiwe Chikomo 7 Dec 2010

Developing Environmental Indicators as a Tool for Effective Management of Wetlands and Conservation of Key Bird Species - Tana River Delta and Floodplain

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Oleg Kashkarov 7 Dec 2010

Interactive Education Program for Student Bird Watching Clubs – Building a New Generation of Conservationists in Uzbekistan

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Paul Kariuki Ndang'ang'a 1 Dec 2010

Investigating and Promoting Natural Pest and Weed Suppression by Birds in Kinangop Agricultural Landscape, Kenya

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Hem Baral 19 Nov 2010

Status and Conservation of Great Slaty Woodpecker Mulleripicus pulverulentus in Nepal

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Jaime Ernesto Rivera-Hernandez 17 Nov 2010

Towards an Environmental Education and Community Ecotourism Programme in San Juan Teponaxtla Oaxaca 2nd Phase

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Milan Ruzic 10 Nov 2010

Conservation of Long-eared Owl Asio otus Winter Roosts in the Province of Vojvodina

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Sergio Nolazco 10 Nov 2010

Land-Use Impact on Peruvian Lowland Dry Forest Bird Assemblages I

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Rinchen Drakpa 27 Oct 2010

Movement and Habitat Use Study of Rufous-Necked Hornbill in Thrumshingla National Park, Bhutan

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James Mwang'ombe Mwamodenyi 5 Oct 2010

Promoting/Enhancing Biodiversity Conservation through Enhanced Indigenous Forest Connectivity in Taita Hills: Phase 1 (Mbololo/Mwambirwa Sgment).

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Igor Berkunsky 27 Sep 2010

Blue-Throated Macaw Conservation Project: Movements, Habitat Use and Population Size

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Adrián Azpiroz 7 Sep 2010

Pampas Meadowlark: Using a Flagship Species to Promote Conservation in the South American Grasslands II

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Aimee Kessler 6 Aug 2010

Mongolian Great Bustard Conservation Project

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Muhammad Naeem Awan 26 Jul 2010

Monitoring & Conservation of Cheer Pheasant (Catreus wallichii) in Jhelum Catchments, Pakistan

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Nivia Luzuriaga 6 Jul 2010

From Monitoring to Conservation of Terrestrial Birds in the Galápagos Islands: Test and Optimization of a Point - Transect Breeding Bird Survey – Ecuador

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Naftali Mungai 7 Jun 2010

Building a Local Community Conservation Group and Establishing Ecotourism Activities around the Ondiri Swamp, Kenya’s Only Quaking Bog II

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Deepa Paudel 7 Jun 2010

Study on Impact of Locally Used Pesticide on Farmland Bird Species and Conservation Initiative

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Alexey Dondua 7 Jun 2010

Protection of Spoon-Billed Sandpiper Breeding Ground in Northern Chukotka: Better Late than Never

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Moses .I. Nyoni 7 Jun 2010

Species Protection and Habitat Conservation for the Benefit of Birds and People - Local Avian Tourism and Black-Cheeked Lovebird Conservation Project

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Jean Bernard Dongmo 7 Jun 2010

Study of Genetic and Morphological Divergence in some African Rain Forest Birds from the Upper Guinea (Ghana) and Lower Guinea (Cameroon): Implications for Evolutionary Conservation

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Karolina Fierro-Calderón 14 May 2010

Endangered Birds of Los Farallones National Park

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Pablo García-Borboroglu 21 Apr 2010

Global Penguin Society: The Penguin Advocacy for the Ocean

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Philip Shaw 14 Apr 2010

Status and Conservation of the Karamoja Apalis in the Western Steppe, Tanzania II

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South Korea

Nial Moores 29 Mar 2010

Blueprint for the Conservation of Avian Biodiversity in the South Korean Yellow Sea