
758 projects

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Nicholas Bayly 24 Jul 2009

Crossing the Caribbean: Identifying Critical Fuelling Sites for Neotropical Migratory Birds in Northern Colombia

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Istvan Moldovan 20 Jul 2009

Survey of Breeding Sooty Falcons (Falco concolor) along the Southern Egyptian Red Sea Shore

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Francisco Javier Cortes 20 Jul 2009

Black Inca Hummingbird and the Turquoise Dacnis Project – Targeting Community Involvement to Conserve an Oak Forest and your Endemic Species

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Ivaylo Angelov 20 Jul 2009

Conservation Measures for a Flagship Bird Species in the East of Bulgaria - The Egyptian Vulture

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Andrey Atemasov 7 Jul 2009

Conservation of Corncrakes During Autumn Migration in Southern Ukraine

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Shahin Isayev 7 Jul 2009

Research and Conservation of Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) in Azerbaijan

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Peiqi Liu 4 Jun 2009

Studies on Scaly-Sided Merganser Breeding Population and Habitat Selection in the Changbai Mountains

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Pablo García-Borboroglu 13 Mar 2009

Conservation and Management of Magellanic Penguins in Northern and Central Patagonia, Argentina

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Natalia Politi 27 Feb 2009

Using Woodpeckers to Inform Sustainable Forestry in the Piedmont Forests of Argentina

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Martin Odino 18 Feb 2009

Measuring the Conservation Threat to Birds in Kenya Resulting from Pesticide Poisoning

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Umesh Srinivasan 17 Feb 2009

An Avifaunal Survey of Namdapha National Park – Exploring the Potential for Limited Bird Tourism with Local Communities

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Cao Thi Kim Dung 17 Feb 2009

Distribution Status and Conservation of Vultures at Yokdon National Park, Vietnam

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Nils Navarro Pacheco 11 Feb 2009

A Communitarian Campaign to Avoid the Illegal Trafficking of Wild Birds in a Cuban Local Community

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Sama Zefania 5 Feb 2009

Wetland Bird Monitoring and Conservation Training in Southwest Madagascar

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Ariane Alvarez 30 Jan 2009

A Camera-Trapping Survey of the Endangered Red-Billed Curassow in Atlantic Rainforest, Brazil

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Leo Douglas 12 Dec 2008

Developing Knowledge and Tools to Mitigate Human-Wildlife Conflict: Quantifying Conflict Between Citrus and Parrots on Dominica

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Ignacio Kristianto Muladi 23 Oct 2008

Assessing the Sustainability of the Harvesting of Orange-Headed Thrush Chicks on Bali, Indonesia

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Valery Shokhrin 30 Sep 2008

Blakiston’s Fish Owl in Southern Primorye: Living Next-Door to People


Naftali Mungai 29 Sep 2008

Building a Local Community Conservation Group and Establishing Ecotourism Activities around the Ondiri Swamp, Kenya’s Only Quacking Bog I

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Paras Singh 29 Sep 2008

Awareness Program for Conservation of Threatened Wetland Birds of Chitwan National Park (CNP), Central Nepal

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Igor Berkunsky 23 Sep 2008

Blue-Throated Macaw Conservation Project – Increasing the Availability of Nest Sites I

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José Antonio Balderrama Torrico 29 Aug 2008

Conservation of the Endangered Cochabamba Mountain-Finch (Poospiza garleppi), a Restricted-Range Bird Species, and Kewiña (Polylepis neglecta) Woodland in Llallahuani (Potosí, Bolivia)

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Adrián Azpiroz 29 Aug 2008

Pampas Meadowlark: Using a Flagship Species to Promote Conservation in the South American Grasslands I

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Jan Van der Winden 12 Aug 2008

Conservation of Important Wetland Habitats for Herons and Terns in the Lower Dniepr River and Delta

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Nan Yang 29 Jul 2008

Conservation and Ecology of Buff-Throated Partridge, in Yajiang County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan, P.R. China