
758 projects

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Angie Paola Penagos López 17 Aug 2020

Endemic Owls from the Threatened Brazilian Atlantic Forest: Effect of Land Cover on their Occupancy and Conservation

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Mohamed Faza Henriques Baldé 28 Jul 2020

Vulture Conservation in Guinea-Bissau: Awareness-Raising and Capacity Building Amongst Key Actors to Reduce Major Threats


Wang Weiyi 9 Jul 2020

Providing Critical Scientific Knowledge to Inform Ecological Restoration in and Around the Giant Panda National Park, a Case Study in Wanglang, China

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Hem Bahadur Katuwal 30 Jun 2020

Globally Threatened Lesser Adjutant in Lowland Nepal: Distribution, Breeding Ecology, People’s Attitude and Education Outreach Programmes

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Sandesh Gurung 24 Jun 2020

Conserving the Indian Spotted Eagle (Clanga hastata) in Lowlands of Nepal

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Ivan Zuban 24 Jun 2020

Assessment of the Risks of Red-Breasted Goose Death from Illegal Hunting on Migration Routes in Kazakhstan and Other Countries

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Tsetagho Guilain 23 Jun 2020

Conservation Status of the Iconic Grey-Necked Picathartes (Picathartes oreas) and Initiation of Community-Based Conservation Outreach in Cameroon

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Bageshwer Singh 5 Jun 2020

Ecological Assessment of a Little Known Wetland, a Ramsar Site in Punjab, India

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Adrián Ciprés Chávez 5 Jun 2020

Relationships Between the Landscape and the Mangrove Bird Assemblages in the Central Coastal Strip of Veracruz, Mexico

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Paulo Ricardo Siqueira 2 Jun 2020

Synergisms and Changes in Bird Ecological Functions in an Endangered Tropical Rainforest

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Dorah Mbogo 28 May 2020

Conservation of Endangered Anthus Sokokensis through Community-Based Revegetation Program in Ruvu-South Coastal Forest Reserve, Tanzania

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Onolragchaa Ganbold 19 May 2020

The Initial Genetic Investigation of Saker Falcon in Mongolia and its Electrocution in Southern Mongolia

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Houssein Abdillahi Rayaleh 20 Apr 2020

Assessing the Feasibility of a Local Community Managed Protected Area Creation to Save the Critically Endangered Djibouti Francolin from Extinction

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Sima Khanal 14 Apr 2020

Integrating Field Surveys with Citizen Awareness Initiative to Understand Population and Distribution Status of Hornbills in Bardiya National Park, Nepal

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Reny da Silva Rodrigues 11 Mar 2020

Composition, Spatio-Temporal Diversity and Conservation of Birds in a Remote and Isolated Area of the Pantanal Biome (Serra Do Amolar – Corumbá/MS)

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Foued Hamza 3 Mar 2020

Importance of Tunisian IBA's for Waterbirds During the Wintering Period

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Alejandro Alberto Schaaf 27 Feb 2020

Conversion of the North-Western Argentina Forest into Exotic Eucalyptus Tree Plantations: Effects on Bird Communities

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Pema Khandu 13 Feb 2020

Roost Site Selection, Behaviour and Threat Assessment of Critically Endangered White-bellied Herons (Ardea insignis) in Bhutan

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Fathul Bari 11 Feb 2020

Conservation of Threatened Vulture Species through Research and Awareness Programs in Chitral, Pakistan

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Rochelle Katlego Mphetlhe 7 Feb 2020

Repeat Road Surveys of Endangered Raptors in Southern Botswana

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Eliana Montenegro 6 Feb 2020

Occupancy and Habitat Preferences of the Secretive and Endangered Banded Ground-Cuckoo (Neomorphus radiolosus) in Northwest Ecuador

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Tulsi Ram Subedi 8 Jan 2020

Identification and Mitigation of the Main Threats Impacting Threatened Bearded Vultures in their Core Range of Nepal

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South Africa

Lucy Kemp 8 Jan 2020

Trans-Disciplinary Conservation Combining Cultural Beliefs, Science and Technology for Population Restoration of the Endangered Southern Ground-Hornbill

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Daphawan Khamcha 8 Jan 2020

The Globally Endangered Giant Nuthatch (Sitta magna): Population Size, Habitat Availability and the Implications for its Conservation

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Yihenew Aynalem 19 Dec 2019

Diversity, Population Estimate, Distribution Patterns and Threats of Galliformes in Didessa River Valley, Western Ethiopia