
394 projects

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Tariku Mekonnen Gutema 12 Jun 2018

African Wolf Density in the Ethiopian Highlands and its Implication for Ethiopian Wolf Conservation

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Hira Fatima 11 Jun 2018

Assessing the Status and Distribution of Wolves in Pakistan Using Genetics

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Sri Lanka

Ashan Nimantha Thudugala 5 Jun 2018

Monitoring and Conservation of Small Wild Cats in Human Mediated Landscapes in Hill Country, Sri Lanka

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Costa Rica

Juan Sebastián Vargas Soto 29 May 2018

Dispersal of Parasites of Mammals in a Conservation Corridor in Southern Costa Rica

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Tatiane Micheletti Ribeiro Silva 25 May 2018

Managing Invasive Feral Cats in Fernando de Noronha: Protecting Endemic and Native Brazilian Wildlife

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Shivish Bhandari 25 May 2018

Community Stewardship to Mitigate Human-Hyena (hyaena hyaena) Conflict in Parsa National Park and its Adjoining Areas

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Dipendra Adhikari 24 May 2018

Status, Distribution and Participatory Based Conservation Initiatives for Striped Hyaena (Hyaena hyaena) in Central Lowland, Nepal

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Antonio de la Torre de Lara 23 May 2018

Building a Participatory Monitoring Program Focused on Jaguars and other Endangered Species in the Greater Lacandona Ecosystem, Mexico

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Bhuwan Singh Bist 30 Apr 2018

Call for the Wild Survey: Habitat Preference and Status Assessment of Fishing Cat (Prionailurus viverinnus) from Western Nepal

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Sri Lanka

Aisha Uduman 26 Apr 2018

From Conflict to Coexistence: Investigating Drivers of Leopard-Livestock Conflict in Sri Lanka and Identifying Suitable Cattle Husbandry Techniques to Enable Coexistence

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Jackson Lyimo 16 Apr 2018

Assessment of Determinants that Influence Illegal Lion (Panthera leo) Killings in Dispersal Areas in Maasai Steppe Ecosystem

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Peyman Moghadas 11 Apr 2018

Disappearing Large Mammals in a Caspian Forest Refugia of Northern Iran

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Jessica Durán Antonio 11 Apr 2018

Effect of Grazing and Co-Occurrence Species on the Occupancy of Carnivore Mammals at the Mapimi Biosphere Reserve, Mexico

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Priya Singh 3 Apr 2018

Carnivores in a Multi-Use Landscape: Understanding Distributions and Conceptualizing Conservation Strategies for the Larger Dampa Landscape, Mizoram, India

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Dol Raj Thanet 8 Mar 2018

Understanding Human-Tiger Interactions: Implication for Human-Tiger Conflict Mitigation in Chitwan National Park, Nepal

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Deu Bahadur Rana 8 Mar 2018

Distribution Occupancy, Potential Suitable Habitat and Conservation of Recolonised Wolf in Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal

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Rasyid Assaf Dongoran 5 Mar 2018

Sumatran Tiger Protection : Batang Gadis National Park and Batangtoru Forest Ecosystem

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Nishikant Gupta 21 Feb 2018

A Survey of the Distribution and Population Status of Otters in Uttarakhand, India

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dragana Šnjegota 21 Feb 2018

Let's Make Better Future for Grey Wolves in Bosnia & Herzegovina: Continuation of Conservation Activities

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Muhammad Asad 9 Feb 2018

Subspecies Status and Distribution of Leopards in Pakistan

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Karuna Karki 7 Feb 2018

Determinants of Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Human-Snow Leopard Conflict in Nepal II

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Laura Rebecca Perry 2 Feb 2018

Thinking Makes It So: A Psychological Approach to Livestock Management and Human-Carnivore Conflict

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Nereyda Falconí López 22 Jan 2018

Andean Bear Distribution and Land Use Change Implications for Populations in Peru

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Kaushal Yadav 15 Jan 2018

Seasonal Habitat Use Pattern of Himalayan Black Bear and Focusing Conservation Outreach Program for Forest Dependent Community of Madi Rural Municipality

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Niloufar Raeesi Chahartaghi 9 Jan 2018

Toward Establishment of a Systematic Monitoring of the Persian Leopard in Bamou National Park, and Capacity Building Among the Park’s Rangers and Local Volunteers