
394 projects

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Iravatee Majgaonkar 10 Jul 2017

An Assessment of Interactions between Large Carnivores and Humans in Fragmented Rocky Habitats in North Karnataka, India

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Aaron Onserio 3 Jul 2017

Small Carnivores of the Mau Forest: Conservation, Ecology and Conflict

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Jonathan Kwiyega 30 Jun 2017

Illegal Lion Killing in Western Tanzania I

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Manush Abrahamyan 29 Jun 2017

Caucasian Lynx Conservation and Research in Armenia

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Anagaw Atickem Meshesha 28 Jun 2017

Studies on the Cryptic Mammal Species of Africa (Canids and Suidea Family) and Human-Carnivore Conflict Resolution Techniques

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Konstantin Tirronen 27 Jun 2017

Estimation of Arctic Fox (Vulpes lagopus L) Population Status and Extinction Risk Due with Climate Changes on the Kola Peninsula, Russia

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Dedan Ngatia 27 Jun 2017

Assessing Domestic Dog (Canis familiaris) Demography and Rabies Disease Burden in Rural Communities, Kenya: Implications for Conservation of Wild Carnivores

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Debby Ng 20 Jun 2017

Defending Himalayan Wildlife and Communities by Managing Domestic Dog Health and Reproduction in Nepal's Annapurna Conservation Area (ACA)

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Dede Aulia Rahman 2 Jun 2017

When Pet Dogs Become Wild, the Effects on the Conservation of Critically Endangered Bawean Deer in Indonesian Tropical Rainforest

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Chiranjeevi Khanal 2 Jun 2017

Conservation of Striped Hyaena in Deukhuri Valley of Nepal

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Laura Maria Vargas 31 May 2017

Population Ecology of the Jaguar (Panthera onca) in the Amazonian Forests of Colombia

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Prasun Ghimire 10 Apr 2017

Mapping Conflict Hotspots to Reduce Human-Wildlife Conflict in Bardia National Park and its Adjoining Khata Forest Corridor, Nepal

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Anna Barashkova 6 Apr 2017

Pallas’s Cat in Kazakhstan: From Investigation to Conservation – Phase 2

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Tugrug Uugan - Erdene 6 Apr 2017

Snow Leopard Conservation

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Bishnu Maharjan 6 Apr 2017

Assessment of Suitable Habitat of Common Leopard (Panthera pardus) and its Conflict with Human in Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park using Geographic Information

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Marija Spasić 28 Mar 2017

Tracking of Movement of a Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) at the Edge of Its Dinaric Distribution in Serbia

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Ugyen Tshering 13 Mar 2017

Environmental Impact of Logging Activities on Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens) and their Habitats in Forest Management Unit, Selela, Haa District, Bhutan

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Sonam Phuntsho 10 Mar 2017

Conservation of Endangered Royal Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) in Jigme Dorji National Park, Western Bhutan

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Kinley Tenzin 28 Feb 2017

Conservation of Endangered Snow Leopard in Western Bhutan

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Rebecca Klein 23 Feb 2017

Developing Capacity to Utilise Guarding Dogs for Livestock Protection amongst Kalahari Farming Communities

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Ganesh Puri 23 Feb 2017

Developing Radio Programs for Mass Media Awareness about Endangered Snow Leopard in the Eastern Himalayas of Nepal

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Laibané Dieudonné Dahourou 22 Feb 2017

Lion's Prey Preference and its Role in Conflicts with Local Population in Niokolo Koba National Park

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South Africa

Jessica Comley 6 Feb 2017

Carnivore Intra-Guild Competition in Selati Gam Reserve, Limpopo Province, South Africa

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Babu Bhattarai 31 Jan 2017

Conflict and Conservation: Sharing the Costs and Benefits of Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) Conservation in Communities Adjacent to Wildlife Reserves in Nepal

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Mitropolskiy Maksim 30 Jan 2017

Implementation of Action Plan for the Conservation of Asian Steppe Species of Mammals and Birds in the Forest-Steppe Zone of the Western Siberia