
967 projects

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Moses Kugonza 25 May 2018

Conservation to Coexist: Participatory Action Research for Wildlife Conservation in Kibale National Park, Uganda (Part 2)

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Biraj Shrestha 24 May 2018

Stream Frogs’ (Paha) Consumption Scenario vs Conservation Strategy? Analyzing a Catch-22 Situation from the Northern Segments of Bhojpur District, Eastern Nepal

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Wangechi Kiongo 24 May 2018

Assessing the Impacts of Lake Changes on the Livelihood of Communities Around Lake Turkana: Does Any Alternative Livelihood Exist?

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Dickson Boateng 24 May 2018

Conserving the Mangroves of Anomabo, Egya, Abandze and Saltpond to Promote Coastal Biodiversity, Livelihood and Increased Adaptation to Climate Change

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Alejandro Campuzano Zuluaga 24 May 2018

Traditional Ecological Knowledge for the Management of Fish Resources in AATIZOT, Alto Tiquie River, Colombian Amazon

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Antonio de la Torre de Lara 23 May 2018

Building a Participatory Monitoring Program Focused on Jaguars and other Endangered Species in the Greater Lacandona Ecosystem, Mexico

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Congo (DRC)

Mushagalusa Batumike Rodrigue 4 May 2018

Forest Use by Local Communities and its Implication for Conservation: The Case of Lomami National Park in DRC

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Ezekiel Chebii 26 Apr 2018

Participatory Conservation of Emsos Swamp and its Catchment

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Ganga Shah 19 Apr 2018

Community Based Conservation Initiative and Monitoring of Vultures in Bajura District, Nepal

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Sílvia Laine Borges Lúcio 6 Apr 2018

Impacts of Swidden Cultivation on Cerrado’s Swamp Forests: The Case of Jalapão Region, Central, Brazil

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Margaret Awuor Owuor 2 Mar 2018

Enhancing Community Awareness, Participation and Education in Environment Conservation and Management of Akara Hills, Kenya III

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Emma Gibbons 22 Feb 2018

Reef Doctor Fano (Marine Turtle) Project; Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Atsimo-Andrefana (South-West) Madagascar

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Congo (DRC)

Balemba Emmanuel Balagizi 21 Feb 2018

Community Awareness Improvement and Habitat Restoration of Lyondji Community Bonobo Reserve

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Peninah Aloo Obudho 16 Feb 2018

Promotion of Environmental Conservation through a Botanical Garden and Establishment of Environmental Clubs

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Burkina Faso

François Wenemi Kagambega 16 Jan 2018

Rebuilding Resilience in the “Zippelés” Landscapes in Northern Burkina Faso for Biodiversity Conservation and Rural Development

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Alerick Pacay 2 Jan 2018

Tackling Environmental Threats through Community Service Campaigns! – Teachers and Students of the Guatemalan Caribbean Take Action towards Nature

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Martin Odino 2 Jan 2018

Identifying the Drivers of Intentional Wild Bird Poisoning and Providing Sustainable Alternatives to Wild Bird Poaching and Consumption

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Genevieve Finerty 2 Jan 2018

Walk the Line: Combining Traditional San Tracking Skills and Modern Technology to Monitor Animal Movement across a Protected Area Boundary

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Bimal Raj Shrestha 2 Jan 2018

Butterfly Communities along the Elevational Gradient and Conservation Initiatives in Trans- Himalayan Region, Nepal

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Rashmi Singh 1 Dec 2017

Pastoralism and Rangeland Conservation: Understanding Impact of Grazing on Rangeland Biodiversity in Eastern Himalayas, India

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Titus Adhola 24 Nov 2017

Key Ecological Determinants of Depredation by Large Carnivores in Relation to Community Practices and Perceptions in Samburu, Northern Kenya

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Tutilo Mudumba 17 Nov 2017

Snares to Wares: Community Conservation through Improved Livelihoods

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Johnson Grayson Mshana 8 Nov 2017

Helping Jipe Communities to Protect Critically Endangered Jipe Tilapia Oreochromis jipe and Ecosystem in Lake Jipe Tanzania

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Yves P Gakunde 16 Oct 2017

Assessing the Relationship between Ecosystem Services and Socioeconomic Well-Being of Communities. Does Payment for Ecosystem Services Matter?

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Cesar Rojano 12 Oct 2017

Giant Anteaters on Roads: Understanding the Problem