
967 projects

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Veryl Achieng 11 Oct 2016

Ecological Monitoring and Conservation Initiatives for the Protection of Endangered Fresh Water Fish in Lake Kanyaboli

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Jorge Mario Becoche Mosquera 29 Sep 2016

Registering the Presence of Andean Bear (Tremarctos ornatus) in an Andean Forest on the Western Slopes of the Central Cordillera, Totoró-Cauca, Colombia

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Affum Jerry Offei 6 Sep 2016

Scaling-Up Efforts for Sustainable Forest Management in Mafia C Landscape for Climate Co-Benefits

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Damber Kumar Ghemiray 5 Sep 2016

Habitat Assessment at the Upcoming Captive Breeding Site of White-Bellied Heron (Ardea insignis) at Burichu, Central Bhutan- Underpinning Conservation Efforts

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Dharmendra Lamsal 31 Aug 2016

Understanding the Responses of Alpine Grassland Communities to Future Climate Warming in the Sikkim Himalaya Biodiversity Hotspot

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Artyom V. Leostrin 23 Aug 2016

Conservation of Relictual Rich Fens in the Middle Russia (Kostroma Oblast)

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Costa Rica

Annie Koehler Clift 23 Aug 2016

Sea Turtle Nesting Conservation and Beach Protection Project Led by Local Artisanal Fisherman at Bejuco Beach, Costa Rica

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Chris Bone 18 Aug 2016

Creating a Sustainable Livelihood in Communities to Take Pressure off Marine Resources

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Stephanie J. Rousso 16 Aug 2016

Building Capacity for a Community-Based Marine Turtle Conservation Model

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Weiye Wang 18 Jul 2016

Changes in People’s Livelihoods in Protected Areas in China during a Period of Rapid Transition

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Tarisai Nyamucherera 13 Jul 2016

A Population Status Survey and Conservation Action Strategy for the Endangered Encephalartos chimanimaniensis (Chimanimani Cycad)

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Tshewang Lhamo 12 Jul 2016

Conservation Of Black-Necked Crane (Grus nigricollis) and its Habitat through Community Involvement in Bumthang Valley, Bhutan

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Elie Antoine Padonou 11 Jul 2016

Involving Local Community in Conservation of Termite Mounds on Bowé in Benin, West Africa

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Nayantara Jain 27 Jun 2016

Harnessing the Recreational Diver Community in India for Coral Reef Monitoring: Creating a Citizen Science Protocol for the Andaman Islands

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Francisco Mora Ardila 16 Jun 2016

Participatory Identification of Tropical Dry Forest Management Alternatives for Livestock Production and Forest Conservation in the Chamela Region, Mexico

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Tashi Phuntsho 14 Jun 2016

Comparative Study of Avifauna Diversity in Khotokha and Gogona Forest Management Units in Western Region, Bhutan: Understanding the Conservation Repercussion

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Sitta Yusti Azizah 14 Jun 2016

Biodiversity-Conservation Initiative in Mount Ungaran, Central Java: Identify Javan Hawk-Eagles’s Spatial Distribution and Develop the Citizen Scientist

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Samuel Ojelel 14 Jun 2016

Empowering the Local Community to Conserve an Endangered and Endemic Encephalartos macrostrobilus, Scott J. & Wynants J. cycad in Madi Opei, Uganda

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Phurpa Wangdi 14 Jun 2016

Ecosystem Services Valuation of Community Forests of Sarpang Dzongkhag: An Assessment for Conservation and Livelihood

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Jambay Dhendrup 14 Jun 2016

Preliminary Assessment of Water Birds Community along Chamkhar River, Bumthang, Central Bhutan: Sensitization of the Community People on Hydropower Impacts

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Caleb Boateng Ofori 25 May 2016

Scaling-Up Conservation Efforts for the Long-Term Protection of the Critically Endangered Togo-Slippery Frog (Conraua derooi) in Ghana

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Mani Raj Rai 20 May 2016

Study on Natural Habitat of Globally Endangered Golden Mahseer (Tor putitora) and its Conservation for Ecological, Economical, and Cultural Importance

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David Novoa Mahecha 10 May 2016

Resilience in Building Conservation Agreements: An Analysis in the Constitution of the Yaigojé Apaporis National Park

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Juana Garcia Flores 10 May 2016

Mayan Community Knowledge for the Conservation and Restoration of Forest Systems in Tabasco, Mexico I

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Ana Hacohen Domené 10 May 2016

Participatory Management of Elasmobranch Fishermen in the Caribbean of Guatemala