Imran Samad 1 Nov 2023
Life in the Fast Lane: Understanding the Interactive Effects of Two Major Anthropogenic Stressors – Tourism and Fisheries – On the Indian Ocean Humpback Dolphin
Life in the Fast Lane: Understanding the Interactive Effects of Two Major Anthropogenic Stressors – Tourism and Fisheries – On the Indian Ocean Humpback Dolphin
The Fish Bank Project: Transforming Fishing Cat and Fish-Farmers Conflict into Conservation
Assessing a Multidisciplinary Framework for Human-Snow Leopard Coexistence in the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area of Nepal’s Eastern Himalaya
Conflict to Co-Existence: Empower Local Communities to Reduce Human-Elephant Conflict in Far-West, Nepal
Effects of Subsistence Hunting on Wildlife: An Analysis of Human/Wildlife Relationships in Northern Córdoba, Argentina
Establishing Community-Based Conflict Mitigation Strategies and Socio-Ecological Research to Promote Elephant-Human Coexistence in Northeastern India
Enhancing the Protection and Monitoring of Bat Species in Volcanic Caves of Musanze District through Local Community Empowerment and Participation
Something is in the Air: Atmospheric Microplastic Transport and Deposition in Natural and Unnatural Environments of Argentina
Evaluating the Efficacy of Beehive Fences in Mitigating Human-Elephant Conflicts and Improving Farmers’ Income around the Digya National Park of Ghana
Assessing The Factors Leading to the Frequent Livestock Killings towards the Protection of Carnivores in Gishwati-Mukura National Park and Biosphere Reserve
Conflict in the Paradise: Balancing Conservation and Cordyceps-Based Livelihoods in the Himalayas
Knowledge and Emotions to Improve Human Attitudes toward Wildlife Conservation in El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, Mexico
Reducing Traditional Elephant Killing by Barabaig Pastoral Community: A Case Study of South-Eastern Ruaha National Park, Tanzania
Participatory Approaches for the Conservation of the Mangrove Forest in the Coastal Center of Veracruz, Mexico
Distribution, Habitat Use and Population Status of African Wild Dog in the Tchabal Mbabo Mountain Range, Adamawa Region, Cameroon
Plastic, as an Outlander in the Diet of Asian Elephant Elephas maximus at Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve (NBR), Tamil Nadu, India
Community-Managed Insurance Scheme and Conservation Education for Snow Leopard Conservation in Manang, Nepal
Physiological Response of African Elephant to Changing Habitat Conditions, Anthropogenic Disturbance and Social Disruption in Laikipia-Samburu Ecosystem, Kenya
Blending Fine-Scale Exploration, Socioecology and Conservation Genetics to Conserve Enigmatic Assam Macaques in Nepal
Use of Nest Boxes for the Management and Conservation of Cavity Nesting Birds in Logging Subtropical Forests North-Western Argentina
Effect of Wind Farms on Functional Connectivity of Bats in Oaxaca, Mexico
Conservation of Striped Hyaena through Improved Livestock Enclosures and Education Program in Maasai Steppe, Tanzania