
365 projects

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Congo (DRC)

Mushagalusa Cirhuza Deo 6 Jul 2018

Ecological Evidences of Boulengerochromis microlepis (Cichlidae) Leading to Management Measures of Lake Tanganyika Littoral Cichlid Fishes (Congolese Side)

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Nelli Barseghyan 21 Jun 2018

Testing of Experimental Methods for Restoration of Natural Population of Endemic Fish Species of Lake Sevan - Sevan Trout

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Cyrus Rumisha 1 Jun 2018

Enhancing Fisheries Management through Monitoring of the Patterns of Gene Flow between Marine Protected Areas and Fishing Areas in Tanzania

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Alen Shakirov 31 May 2018

The Study of Endemic Fish Species of the South-Eastern Kazakhstan

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Thiago Couto 24 May 2018

Cumulative Effects of Small Hydropower Dams in Rivers of the Brazilian Araucária Moist Forest

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South Africa

Lyle Vorsatz 24 May 2018

The Nursery Role of Mangrove Microhabitats at their Northern and Southern Distributional Limits: An Invertebrate and Fish Larval Perspective

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Alejandro Campuzano Zuluaga 24 May 2018

Traditional Ecological Knowledge for the Management of Fish Resources in AATIZOT, Alto Tiquie River, Colombian Amazon

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Natalia Rivas Escobar 3 May 2018

Population Status of Parrotfishes (Scarus and Sparisoma) and its Relation with Human Population in the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve: Key Species under Threat

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Ilija Ćetković 30 Apr 2018

Determination of Fishing Effort on Sharks by Montenegrin Marine Fisheries and Multi-Stakeholder Informing About Conservation of These Endangered Species


Diana Alexandra Pazmino Jaramillo 11 Apr 2018

Galapagos Sharks: Developing Traceability Markers to Identify the Origin of Illegal Shark Fishing

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Jean Robertin Rasoloariniaina 6 Apr 2018

Endemic Fish Species Diagnostic in Lake Itasy Catchment Area - Towards a Conservation Strategy

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Veryl Achieng 3 Apr 2018

Initiating and Consolidating Community Led Integrated Fish-Farming (Polyculture) to Promote Conservation of Endangered Fish in Lake Kanyaboli

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Boris Davidov 28 Mar 2018

Distribution, Population Research and Management of the Hucho Populations Inside Una River with the Important Conservation Aims

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Milica Jaćimović 22 Mar 2018

Black Bullhead (Ameiurus melas) in Ponjavica Nature Park: Biological Characteristics, Effects on Native Ichthyofauna, Mass Removal and Experimental Rearing

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Andrej Gajić 21 Mar 2018

The Next Step for the Establishment of the Long-Term In-Situ Conservation of Sharks, Skates and Rays in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Thomas Kalama Mkare 21 Mar 2018

A First Look at Species Richness and Spatial Distribution Trends of Seahorses at Selected Sites along the Kenyan Coast

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Inajara Marques Bezerra Oliveira 14 Mar 2018

Conservation of Spawning Aggregation Phenomenon in the Threatened Brazilian Coast

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Helder Coelho Guabiroba Jr 6 Mar 2018

Effects of Different Levels of Environmental Protection upon the Local Distribution of Reef Fishes: Does Human Presence Alter Reef Fish Community Structure?

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Jelena Brnović 1 Mar 2018

Monitoring of the Highly Endangered Eel in Montenegro Due to the Assessment of the State and Potential Changes to the Law on Fisheries in Accordance with EU

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Felipe de Moraes Carvalho 28 Feb 2018

Marine Ecosystem Impacts of Fisheries in Brazil

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Shreya Yadav 6 Feb 2018

Coral Reef Function and Functionality in Warming Waters: Examining the Links between Coral Assemblages, Reef Fish Function, and Fishing in the Maldives Archipelago

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Pedro Henrique Cipresso Pereira 25 Jan 2018

Zoning, Conservation and Research of a Threatened Coral Reef Complex in the North-Eastern Brazil III


Paromita Ray 22 Jan 2018

Assessing the Conservation Status of Deccan Mahseer in Northern Eastern Ghats, India

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Sinan Mavruk 11 Dec 2017

Strongholds for Groupers in Iskenderun Bay, Grouper Fishery, Conservation and Management Practices

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Neethi Mahesh 30 Nov 2017

Spatial Ecology and Conservation of Mahseer, in the Western Ghats Region II