
365 projects

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Maximilian Hirschfeld 3 May 2016

Population Connectivity of Galapagos Bullhead Sharks and the Identification of Key Habitats for Conservation in the Galapagos Archipelago

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Megan Gabriela Chevis 21 Apr 2016

Baseline Monitoring of Elasmobranchs in Panama Using Fisheries-Dependent and Independent Methods

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Johnson Grayson Mshana 12 Apr 2016

Community Participation in the Conservation of Critically Endangered Jipe Tilapia Oreochromis jipe and Lake Jipe Ecosystem in Tanzania

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Pilar Herron 12 Apr 2016

Sustainability of the Artisanal Fishing Gears Used in the Colombian Pacific Coast

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Viviana Márquez Velásquez 24 Mar 2016

Evaluation of Ecological Function of Freshwater Stingray Potamotrygon magdalenae on a Trophic Food Web of the Colombian Andes

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Costa Rica

Mario Espinoza 22 Mar 2016

Looking for Lost Fish: Status of the Largetooth Sawfish (Pristis pristis) in Costa Rica

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Ilija Ćetković 22 Mar 2016

Distribution and Conservation of Vulnerable Blue Shark (Prionace glauca L.) in Coastal Waters of Montenegro

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Norman Mushabe 14 Jan 2016

Conserving the Fisheries Biodiversity of Lake Bunyonyi in Face of Increasing Human Activities

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Hung Manh Pham 12 Jan 2016

Diversity and Conservation of Fish Community in the Krong No River, Langbiang Plateau, Vietnam

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Tausi Ally Khitentya 8 Jan 2016

Environmental Education and Community Involvement towards Conservation of Endangered Tilapia Oreochromis amphimelas and its Ecosystem in Lake Kitangiri, Tanzania

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Richard Olwa 8 Jan 2016

Promoting Population Recovery of Critically Endangered Cichlids Fish Species Endemic to Lake Victoria through Artisanal Fisherfolks Participation, Uganda

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Wander Oliveira Godinho 14 Dec 2015

Conservation Plan for the Estuary of Mundaú River – Brazil

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Costa Rica

Elpis J. Chávez 7 Dec 2015

Movements and Habitat Use of Bull Sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) in a Costa Rican Tropical River

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Sao Tome and Principe

Hugulay Albuquerque Maia 2 Dec 2015

Temporal Changes in the Reef Fish Assemblage of a Neglected Marine Hotspot: São Tomé and Príncipe, Gulf of Guinea

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Paulina Bahamonde 27 Nov 2015

The War of a Hundred Years: Assessing the Effects of Introduced Salmonids on Native Fishes at Small Streams in Patagonian Freshwater Systems

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Pedro Henrique Cipresso Pereira 26 Nov 2015

Zoning, Conservation and Research of a Threatened Coral Reef Complex in the Northeastern Brazil II

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Owen Richard O'Shea 26 Nov 2015

Genetic Connectivity and Gene Flow in Dasyatid Rays among Fragmented Habitats in the Bahamas

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Phuntsho 16 Nov 2015

Assessment of Nika Chu Freshwater Ecology under Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park through Using Freshwater Fish Diversity and Habitats as Bio-Indicator

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Milica Lukač 16 Nov 2015

Population Structure and Vulnerability of the Threatened Fish Species Telestes metohiensis from Karstic Streams in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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South Africa

Trishan Naidoo 9 Nov 2015

Concentrations of Microplastic in Postlarval and Juvenile Fish Fauna in an Urban Harbour of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

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Laia Juliana Muñoz Abril 4 Nov 2015

Trophic Ecology and Connectivity of Yellow-Fin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) Between the Galapagos Marine Reserve and the Ecuadorian Mainland

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Boris Davidov 3 Nov 2015

Population Research of Danube Salmon in Una River, with Notes to Conservation

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Isabel Marques da Silva 14 Oct 2015

Conservation and Management of Reef Sharks in the Western Indian Ocean: A Conservation Area to Protect Biodiversity and Serve Community and Tourism

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Ryan McAndrews 14 Oct 2015

Vulnerability of Two Critical Ecological Functions of Fijian Coral Reefs to Fishing Pressure

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Beaven Utete 14 Oct 2015

Conservation Status and Impact of a Restricted Endemic and Endangered Short Lived Turquoise Killifish in the Lowveld Region, Zimbabwe