
992 projects

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Hudson Christopher Laizer 5 Sep 2018

Restoration of Degraded Habitats of Mount Loleza Forest Reserve to Enhance Conservation of Ecosystem Services and Birds Population through Community Empowerment

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Tesfay Gidey Bezabeh 5 Sep 2018

Empowering Community to Introduce Area Enclosure for Enhancing Natural Regeneration of the Endangered Boswellia Papyrifera and its Degraded Habitat in Ethiopia

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Jules Christian Zekeng 5 Sep 2018

Plant Diversity and Potential of Carbon Stock in Doume Communal Forest in Cameroon: Implications for its Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management

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Irene Franceline Mbouwe 4 Sep 2018

Regeneration Dynamics, Influence of Tides and Assessment of Carbon Biomass in the Mangrove Ecosystems of the Manoka Island Area, Littoral, Cameroon

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Gebremicael Fisaha 15 Aug 2018

Natural Regeneration Status of Indigenous Trees and Anti-Microbial Test of Traditional Medicinal Plants in Menz Gera District, Highlands of Central Ethiopia

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Ouya Evance Odiwuor 30 Jul 2018

Establishment of a Tree Nursery for Environmental Education and Community Awareness at Selected Degraded Sites in Narok County, Kenya

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Pedro Henrique Albuquerque Sena 30 Jul 2018

Assessing the Effects of Disturbance on the Biodiversity-Ecosystem Services (BES) Relationship in Socioecological Systems

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Elaine Rios 24 Jul 2018

Effects of Forest Loss and Hunting on Midsized and Large-Bodied Mammals in Southern Bahia and its Consequences on Ecological Processes

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Ramiro Rubén Ripa 18 Jul 2018

Adaptations to Recurrent Fires in Patagonia Foster the Invasion of the Exotic Conifer Pinus radiata

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Sergio Lopes de Oliveira 17 Jul 2018

Biological Control of Bats on Arthropods in Cocoa Agroforestry: Effects of Local Management and Landscape

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Raíssa Sepulvida Alves 11 Jul 2018

The Importance of the Large-Bodied Primates Ateles chamek and Lagothrix cana to the Seed Dispersal Services in the Amazon Rainforest

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Camila Molina González 2 Jul 2018

Araucaria Forests in Southern Chile: Integrating Local Subsistence Needs and the Conservation of an Endangered Species

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Alejandro Danilo Venegas Gonzalez 27 Jun 2018

Effect of Climate Change on the Growth Dynamics of Sclerophyllous Species of the Chilean Mediterranean Forest in a Biogeographicgradient

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Cindy Cosset 27 Jun 2018

Restoration Experiment Demonstrating the Impacts of Climber-Cutting on Biodiversity and Habitat Recovery in Logged Tropical Forests

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Jorge Adilson Pinedo Escatel 21 Jun 2018

Use of Leafhoppers as Biodiversity Indicators in Endangered Forests of the Sierra Madre Del Sur, Mexico

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Wilson Ancelm Mugasha 19 Jun 2018

Enhancing Sustainable Forest Management of North Magubike Village Land Forest Reserve

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Hernando Rodríguez Correa 19 Jun 2018

Integrated Research and Conservation of Endangered Quercus insignis Martens & Galeotti, 1843 (Fagaceae)

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Maria de las Mercedes Guerisoli 15 Jun 2018

Designing a Diverging Stimulus Strategy ("Push-Pull") to Mitigate Damage by Marsh Deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) in Commercial Forestations of the Lower Delta

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Dominican Republic

Spencer Christian Schubert 6 Jun 2018

Measuring the Role of Birds in Accelerating Forest Restoration and the Stability of Seed Dispersal Mutualisms in Disturbed Landscapes of the Dominican Republic

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Marcela Yilotl Cazares Sanchez 5 Jun 2018

Vulnerability of Quercus spp (Oaks) at the Valle de Jovel Basin -Chiapas, Mexico: Conservation Implications

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Tlacaelel Aaron Rivera Nunez 5 Jun 2018

Articulating Agrifood Supply Networks among Peasant Communities on a Watershed Level to Stabilize Forest Frontiers in a Tropical Mountain Biodiversity Hotspot

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Arjun Adit 5 Jun 2018

Orchid Bio-Inventory Survey of Tripura, India

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Ana Luiza Violato Espada 31 May 2018

Logging Protected Areas: What approaches Conserve Forests and Promote Local Development?

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Korana Kocic 24 May 2018

Biodiversity Assessment and Conservation Status of Specialized Aphid/Parasitoid Trophic Associations in Endangered Coniferous Forests of Serbia

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Nicolas Vaiman 24 May 2018

Reforestation with Prosopis alba in a Degraded Forest – Impacts on Herbaceous Stratum Biodiversity