
992 projects

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Benjamin Hayes 11 Jun 2012

A Biodiversity Survey of Phnom Kulen National Park: Integrating Conservation and Community Development

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Marina Londres 7 Jun 2012

Complexity of Forest-Based Livelihood Strategies and Factors Influencing Local Resource Use across Regions and Scales: Implications for Policy

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Renzoandre De la Peña Lavander 28 May 2012

Ecology-Based and Multi-Purpose Management of the Tropical Dry Forest in Northern Peru

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Sao Tome and Principe

Ricardo de Lima 9 May 2012

The Impact of Changing Agricultural and Forestry Practices on the Endemic Species of Sao Tome – Letting People Know

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Onja Harinala Razafindratsima 4 May 2012

Effects of Habitat Disturbance and Edge on Diversity, Evolutionary Patterns and Dispersal Syndromes

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Longtong Turshak 3 May 2012

Fire and Herbivory Impacts Savanna Woodland Vegetation: Saving the Largest Protected Woodland in the Guinea Savanna Region of Nigeria

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Raymond Katebaka 2 May 2012

Enhancing Community Participation to Conserve Fragmented Forests in Central Uganda

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Zuzana Burivalova 26 Apr 2012

Impact of Illegal Selective Logging on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Madagascar

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Andimile Martin 24 Apr 2012

The Biodiversity and Conservation of Lwafi Game Reserve in the South Western Tanzania

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Mohammed Alamgir 24 Apr 2012

Strengthening Community Based Biodiversity Conservation in the Ethnic Community of Bangladesh

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Usama Ghazali Mohammed 24 Apr 2012

Trans-Boundary Monitoring and Conservation of Endangered Dragon Tree in Somaliland and Djibouti

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Anand M Osuri 22 Mar 2012

Understanding the Drivers of Losses in Carbon Storage Ecosystem Services Provided by Tropical Forest Fragments in India’s Western Ghats

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Navendu Page 22 Mar 2012

Assessing the Status and Distribution of Endemic and Threatened Trees of the Western Ghats

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Francesco Rovero 20 Mar 2012

Boosting Local Capacity for Ecological Monitoring: Long-Term, Integrated Research and Conservation Programme in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania

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Mohammad Belal Uddin 14 Mar 2012

Monoculture Plantations in Bangladesh: Consequences for Biodiversity Conservation and Rural Livelihoods

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Henderson Maposa 12 Mar 2012

One Leader One Forest; A Participatory Community Action towards Reforestation of Mikolongwe Mountain

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Rocio Beatriz Urrutia Jalabert 12 Mar 2012

Primary Productivity in Endangered Fitzroya cupressoides Forests in Chile, its Environmental Controls and the Vulnerability of these Forests to Climate Change

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Andres Link 7 Mar 2012

Effects of Fragmentation on the Behavioral Ecology, Stress Levels and Parasitism in the Brown Spider Monkey (Ateles hybridus) in Colombia

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Nurul L. Winarni 7 Mar 2012

Ecosystem Service, Supporting the Forest, Supporting the People: Evaluating Ecosystem Services of Forest Edge for Park Boundary Support System

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Solomon Islands

Tammy Davies 15 Feb 2012

Conserving One of the Last Coastal Rainforests: Establishing Baseline Data and Building Capacity for Community Conservation on Makira

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Moses Nsanyi Sainge 15 Feb 2012

Biodiversity Assessment and Conservation Status of Plants in the Mbembe Forest Reserve of Donga Mantung Division in the North West Region of Cameroon

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Akomian Fortuné Azihou 15 Feb 2012

Local Community Involvement in the Conservation of Five Endangered Multipurpose Tree Species of Gallery Forests in the Biosphere Reserve of Pendjari

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Marcia Carolina Muñoz 6 Feb 2012

Climate Change and Consequences for Plant-Frugivores Network in Tropical Andean Forest

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Brent R. Loken 30 Jan 2012

Protecting the Biodiversity of Wehea Forest in Borneo through Research, Education and Conservation

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Youndjie Koleoko Gabriel 18 Jan 2012

Analog Forestry: Pathway for Biodiversity Conservation and Agro-Enterprise Development in Bafut, North West Cameroon