
992 projects

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Mark Nicholson 14 Sep 2009

Plants for Life International II

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Michael Stuart Lyne Mills 9 Sep 2009

Conserving Angola’s Threatened Afromontane Forests – A Community-Based Approach to Tackling Forest Loss at the Mount Moco Important Bird Area

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Krishna Prasad Acharya 9 Sep 2009

Community Based Fire Management Initiatives in the Hills of Nepal (CBFiM)

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Nixon Yuimachi 27 Aug 2009

Yoina Baon Nii Jungle Reserve

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Serge Joram Nsengimana 27 Aug 2009

Eastern Gallery Forests Conservation Project (EGFCP)

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Marina Londres 25 Aug 2009

Researching Sustainability of Harvests Jointly with Local Stakeholders in Amazonian Flooded Forests: Linking Science with Action

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Revocatus Mushumbusi Petro 24 Jul 2009

Community Based Conservation Status of Oxystigma Msoo Tree Species in Rau Forest Reserve

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Gathuru Mburu 23 Jul 2009

Development of Model Inter-Generational Learning Framework for Protection of Indigenous Forests in Kenya

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Anatoly Lebedev 20 Jul 2009

Informational and Consulting Support to the Local Forest Communities in Time of Crisis

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Nestor Ignacio Gasparri 9 Jul 2009

Indigenus Lands Assessment for a Regional Conservation Plan of Dry Forest in West Formosa, Argentina

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Tuyeni Mwampamba 7 Jul 2009

Carbon Sequestration in the Soils and Biomass of Regenerating Forests in the South Nguru Mountains, Tanzania

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Biswajit Mohanty 7 Jul 2009

Conservation of Banyan Trees with Community Effort III

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Longtong Turshak 7 Jul 2009

Fire Regimes and its Implication on Trees and Tree Species Utilize by Birds for Nesting in the Savanna Woodlands of Yankari Game Reserve, Nigeria

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Son Ho 7 Jul 2009

Vulnerability of Forest-Human Systems to Climate Change and Variability in the Northern Mountain Regions of Vietnam – A Case Study of Ba Be National Park and Kim Hy Nature Reserve

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Muhammad Sutono 6 Jul 2009

Developing Commodity of Non Timber Forest Product of Dragoon Bloods as the Conservation and Poverty Alleviation Effort for Local Community Around the Buffer Zone of Kerinci Seblat National Park

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Giovanni Alberto Chaves Portilla 25 Jun 2009

The Golden Poison Frog of Supata Project: Implementation and Development of a Local Conservation Strategy of Amphibian Biodiversity in the Eastern Andes, Colombia

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Celsus Senhte 24 Jun 2009

Improving Livelihoods and Biodiversity Conservation in Farm Forestry Landscapes

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Prakash Bhandari 19 Jun 2009

Sustainable Utilisation Based Conservation of NTFPs through Community Institutions in Chamba District, Himachal Pradesh, India I

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Daniel Renison 4 Jun 2009

Native Forests, Wildlife and Water in Central Argentina: Fostering Public Ecological Understanding and Forest Restoration I

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Martina Petru 4 Jun 2009

‘ho avy’: Grassroots Restoration and Sustainable Development Alternatives for Southwestern Madagascar

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Jeewan Singh Jalal 1 Mar 2009

Restoration of Orchid’s Degraded Habitat through People’s Participation in Gori Valley, Western Himalaya, India

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Joe Gbasakollie 18 Feb 2009

Sensitization and Training of Members of Seven Environmental Clubs in Primary Schools in the Proposed Cestos-Senkwehn National Park

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Raymond Katebaka 18 Feb 2009

Understanding the Impact of Forest Fragmentation on Forest Hornbills of Uganda

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John Mlamba 18 Feb 2009

Restoration of Sagalla Forest for the Conservation of the Critically Endangered Caecilian boulengerula niedeni

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Emmanuel Nuesiri 12 Feb 2009

Establishing a Forest Monitoring Programme for the Bimbia-Bonadikombo Community Forest (BBCF)