
992 projects

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Jon Jandai 10 Mar 2006

Asian Sustainability Leadership Education Training I

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Carlos Eduardo Trucco Aleman 10 Mar 2006

Livestock and Native Fauna: Changes Affecting Predation and Secondary Dispersal of Seeds of Woody Plant in the Semi-Arid Chaco Woodland, Copo National Park and Surroundings, Argentina

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Krishna Prasad Acharya 13 Jan 2006

Community Based Biodiversity Conservation Project (CBCP)

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Armen Asryan 28 Nov 2005

Deforestation – View from the Space

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Gazmend Zeneli 28 Nov 2005

Conservation and the Rehabilitation of the English Walnut in its Natural Environment on the Val-Martanesh Region, Albania

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Pia Sethi 11 Oct 2005

Consequences of Hornbill Hunting for Seed Dispersal and Tropical Tree Regeneration in the Indian Eastern Himalayas

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Ronald Mulwa 28 Jul 2005

Avifaunal Survey of Hilltop Forests in the Semi-Arid Areas of Kitui and Mwingi Districts, Kenya

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Javier Adolfo Sarria Perea 21 Jul 2005

Health Status Survey of Wild Populations of the Andean Tapir and the Dwarf Brocket in the Massif of Mamapacha


James Mwang'ombe Mwamodenyi 21 Jul 2005

Enhancing the Conservation of Biodiversity in Mbololo Forest in the Taita Hills through Participatory Forest Management

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Jeewan Singh Jalal 21 Jul 2005

A Community Initiative for Orchid Conservation in Gori Valley, Western Himalaya, India

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Dhirendra Kumar Pradhan 19 Jul 2005

Distribution and Conservation of Grey Crowned Prinia in Royal Chitwan National Park, Central Region, Nepal

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Hazel Chapman 19 Jul 2005

Seed Dispersal and the Long Term Survival of Nigeria's Montante Forests

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Alina Eva Szabo 18 Jul 2005

Working with Local Students and Forest Owners to Conserve Biodiversity and Improve Livelihoods in Rodna Mountains, Romania

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Joyce Lepetu 17 Jul 2005

Socio Economic Impact Analysis and Stakeholders’ Preference to the Conservation of Kasane Forest Reserve, Northern Botswana

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Lia Montti 17 Jul 2005

Conservation and Restoration of Subtropical Atlantic Forests Invaded by Monocarpic Woody Bamboo Grasses

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Maria Ines da Silva Bento 17 Jul 2005

Agroforestry Systems as a Strategy for Conservation of the Golden Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia) in its Habitat – the Atlantic Forest of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Shauna-Lee Chai 17 Jul 2005

Rehabilitation of the Tropical Montane Rainforests Along the Whitfield Hall/Blue Mountain Peak Area

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Biswajit Mohanty 7 Jun 2005

Conservation of Banyan Trees with Community Effort I


Peter Wahome 3 May 2005

Tapping Local Knowledge for Conservation of Endangered Carving Trees in Kenya

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Emmanuel Nuesiri 3 May 2005

Wildlife Conservation in the Ebensuk-Mambo Communal Forest Area


Giriraj Amarnath 2 Feb 2005

Ecological Niche Modeling of Endemic and Endangered Plant Species of Western Ghats India

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Andrea Izquierdo 19 Jan 2005

Implications of Changes in Demographic and Land-Use Patterns on the Biodiversity of Atlantic Forest in Misiones, Argentina

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Felipe Pimentel Lopes de Melo 19 Jan 2005

Effects of Forest Fragmentation on Seed Dispersal Rates and Maintenance of Tropical Tree Diversity in South Eastern Mexican Tropical Forest

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Alimaturahim 17 Jan 2005

Reducing the Poverty of Indigenous Forest People While Conserving Natural Forests


Feliciana Mmassy 14 Dec 2004

Conservation of Threatened Old Pugu Forest Reserve with Community Involvement, Tanzania