
1238 projects

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Suman Shree Neupane 9 Sep 2020

Genetic Diversity and Conservation of Himalayan Black Bear in Nepal

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Alejandro Maeda Obregon 9 Sep 2020

A Novel Biomonitoring Approach to Detecting and Assessing the Critically Endangered Axolotl Salamander

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nedim Jukić 7 Sep 2020

Discovering the Diversity of the Alpine Ascomycetous Fungi in Severely Vulnerable Ecosystems of Glacial and Other Mountainous Lakes in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Jovana Cvetkovic 7 Sep 2020

Conserving the Fragile Saltmarsh of "Lalinačka Slatina" Protected Natural Area - Botanical Gem of Southern Serbia

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Hicham El Zein 7 Sep 2020

Determination of the Floral Diversity and Conservation Value of the Valleys of Hell with Focus on the Range-Restricted Endemic Jacobaea mouterdei (Asteraceae)

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Dawa Yoezer 7 Sep 2020

Evaluation of Habitat Quality of Gangtey-Phobji Ramsar Wetland Through Land Use and Water Quality Interaction for the Conservation of Black-Necked Crane

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Côte d'Ivoire

Ahissa Laurent 25 Aug 2020

Abundance, Distribution and Conservation of the Critically Endangered Wimmer’s Shrew (Crocidura wimmeri) in the Banco National Park, Côte D’Ivoire

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Thaddée Uwimana 19 Aug 2020

Assessing Factors Preventing Adult People to Uptake Contraceptives Methods and its Impact on Conservation of Nyungwe Park

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Le Quynh Trang 19 Aug 2020

Hawkmoths Diversity of Bidoup Nui Ba National Park, Lam Dong Province: Database for Biology Conservation in Vietnam

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Gerubin Liberath Msaki 19 Aug 2020

More than Pollutant Removal: A study on Constructed Wetlands as Biodiversity Hotspots

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Charles Kivasu Maingi 19 Aug 2020

Promoting Tana Mangabey Population Recovery and Habitat Resilience through Community Outreach and Sensitization on Sustainable Forest Resources Use, Kenya

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Angie Paola Penagos López 17 Aug 2020

Endemic Owls from the Threatened Brazilian Atlantic Forest: Effect of Land Cover on their Occupancy and Conservation

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Prince Pascal Agro 12 Aug 2020

Up-Scaling Efforts to Safeguard Populations of Two Vulnerable Pangolin Species (Phataginus tricuspis and Phataginus tetradactyla) in the Asukese Forest Reserve

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Josué Jacob Martínez Noguez 12 Aug 2020

Landscape Genomics to Define Conservation Units and Impact of the Climatic Change in the Cirio (Fouquieria columnaris (Kellogg) Kellogg ex Curran)

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Gabriela Mota Gama 12 Aug 2020

Linking Habitat Protection, Local Communities’ Livelihoods, and Conservation of Caimans in Brazilian Northeast Atlantic Forest

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Jules Christian Zekeng 3 Aug 2020

Ecology, Spatial Modelling of High-Priority Species for Conservation and Community-Based Involvement in their Conservation in the Doume Communal Forest in Cameroon

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Yamil Edgardo Di Blanco 3 Aug 2020

Movement Patterns and Habitat Requirements of Giant Armadillos (Priodontes maximus) in the Chaco Region of Argentina

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Diana Marcela Carrillo Ruiz 3 Aug 2020

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Ecological Restoration Actions Implemented in Carmen Island Mangroves (Campeche, Mexico)

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Tesfay Gidey Bezabeh 29 Jul 2020

Local Stakeholders-Based Interventions for Sustainable Conservation and Restoration of the Endangered Boswellia papyrifera and its Degraded Habitats in Ethiopia

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Javier Naretto Atlagic 29 Jul 2020

Exploring the Potential Biodiversity Impacts of Proposed No-Take Zones Within Marine Coastal Areas of Indigenous Peoples Regime in Chile

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John Reuben Hongoa 28 Jul 2020

Spatial Modeling of the Invasive Plant Opuntia: Habitat, Abundance and Distributions Under Climate Change in Serengeti National Park

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Chee Yoong Woo 16 Jul 2020

Niche Overlap and Partitioning Among Three Sympatric Otter Species: The Hairy-Nosed Otter, Smooth-Coated Otter and Asian Small-Clawed Otter

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Nadia T. Rubio-Cisneros 16 Jul 2020

Human Perceptions of Coastal Exploitation and Landscape Use in Mexico's Caribbean Islands with Growing Tourism Economies

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Simula Peres Maijo 14 Jul 2020

Improving Conservation of Chimpanzee Habitat Through Beekeeping and Tree Planting in the Masito-Ugalla Ecosystem, Tanzania

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Jennifer Ann Keeping 10 Jul 2020

The Importance of Cleaning Stations to Critically Endangered Wildlife on Shallow Coastal Reefs