
1238 projects

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Monica Kaushik 27 Nov 2018

Role of Urban Green Spaces for Conservation of Bird Diversity in the Rapidly Urbanizing Capital of Himalayan State of Uttarakhand, India

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Jacobine Sarielle Kapmegne 27 Nov 2018

Trade, Human and Environmental Impacts on Pangolins (Endangered Species) Diversity in Dja Biosphere Reserve (DBR)

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Sandra Flor Cuadros Díaz 27 Nov 2018

Distribution Update, Habitat Use and Conservation Status Assessment of the Grey-Bellied Comet (Taphrolesbia griseiventris)

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Felipe de Jesús Osuna López 23 Nov 2018

Distribution, Conservation Genetics and Community Monitoring of the Endangered Volcano Rabbit (Romerolagus diazi)

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Akotchayé Sylvestre Badou 9 Nov 2018

Participatory-Based Conservation of Fungi Natural Habitats in the Wari-Maro Forest Reserve in Northern Benin

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Preeti Shirish Virkar 6 Nov 2018

Conservation of Non-Apis Bees and their Habitat in Doon Valley, Uttarakhand, India

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Sri Lanka

Chathurika Subhashini Munasinghe 6 Nov 2018

Restoration of Fragmented Seagrass Meadows in Kalpitiya, Sri Lanka

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Franklin Simo Talla 31 Oct 2018

Pangolin Population Status in the Forest versus Savannah Habitat in the Mpem et Djim National Park, Cameroon

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Meredith Semel 24 Oct 2018

A Division of the Crown: Using Novel Tracking Collars to Examine Behavioural and Physiological Responses to Fragmentation in Golden-Crowned Sifakas I

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Tsigereda Dessalegn 16 Oct 2018

Distribution, Abundance and Breeding Success of the Critically Endangered Hooded Vulture (Necrosyrtes monachus) in Addis Ababa and Surrounding Towns, Ethiopia

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Gugulethu Tarakini 15 Oct 2018

The Little Known Pollinator Species in Agricultural Intensive Regions of Zimbabwe

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Samuel Nganga Bakari 9 Oct 2018

Assessing the Implications of Grazing Intensity on Vegetation Structure and Highland Grassland Birds in Kinangop

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William Douglas de Carvalho 1 Oct 2018

Effect of the Substitution of Natural Vegetation by Commercial Plantations on Bat Communities in the Brazilian Amazonian Savannahs

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Martin Cesar Maria Blettler 28 Sep 2018

Microplastics Ingestions by Fauna as a Serious Emerging Threat in Freshwater Systems

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Corine Bitossessi Laurenda Sinsin 25 Sep 2018

Ecophysiological Test and Vulnerability Assessment of Mangroves to Inform their Restoration in Benin

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Rodrigo Barbosa Ferreira 10 Sep 2018

Are Forest-Collected Bromeliads Used by Frogs? Integrating Field Research, Citizen Science and Outreach towards the Conservation of Bromeliad Frogs

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Hudson Christopher Laizer 5 Sep 2018

Restoration of Degraded Habitats of Mount Loleza Forest Reserve to Enhance Conservation of Ecosystem Services and Birds Population through Community Empowerment

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Tesfay Gidey Bezabeh 5 Sep 2018

Empowering Community to Introduce Area Enclosure for Enhancing Natural Regeneration of the Endangered Boswellia Papyrifera and its Degraded Habitat in Ethiopia

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Jéronime Marie-Ange Sènami Ouachinou 5 Sep 2018

Define Suitable Sites for Installing Vegetation-Based Conservation Areas for the Atacora Mountains in Benin

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Dominic Chesire 4 Sep 2018

Bird Diversity, Threats, Habitat Assessment and Outreach Campaign in Perkerra Irrigation Scheme-Kenya

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Paulo Ragner Silva de Freitas 24 Aug 2018

Ethnoherpetology and Influence of Anthropic Actions on the Diversity and Demography of Lizards and Snakes in a Caatinga Area in Northeast Brazil

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Manase Elisa Pallangyo 24 Aug 2018

The Impact of Water Abstraction and Changes in Surface Water Availability on Ecological Integrity the Arusha-Kilimanjaro Ecosystem, Tanzania

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Renata Ališić Vujčić 20 Aug 2018

Evaluation and Promotion of Endangered and Vulnerable Plant Species of Vrbas Canyon through Research Excursions

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André Luis Sousa Gonçalves 20 Aug 2018

Spatial and Temporal Patterns in the Occurrence of Leopardus wiedii In Response to Environmental, Anthropogenic Factors and Potential Intra-Guild Predation

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Costa Rica

Mario Espinoza 20 Aug 2018

Looking for Lost Fish: Status of the Largetooth Sawfish (Pristis Pristis) in Costa Rica and the Central American Region II