
1238 projects

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Laura Alejandra Najera Cortazar 8 Jun 2018

Ecological Genomics, Environmental Adaptation and Species Boundaries in a Complex of Myotis Bats in the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico

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Ingrid de Mattos 7 Jun 2018

Small Mammal Responses to Fragmentation and Habitat Loss in the Brazilian Cerrado

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Misganaw Tamrat Gessese 4 Jun 2018

Habitat Use, Home Range and Activity Pattern of Endangered Swayne’s Hartebeest and Potential Impacts of Livestock Grazing on its Survival

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Sushan Mani Shakya 4 Jun 2018

Citizen Science Development for Conservation of Hornbills in the Eastern Tropics of Nepal

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Alen Shakirov 31 May 2018

The Study of Endemic Fish Species of the South-Eastern Kazakhstan

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Ashni Kumar Dhawale 29 May 2018

Ecological and Behavioural Adaptations of the Endangered Lion-Tailed Macaque to a Rainforest–Anthropogenic Habitat Matrix in India: Implications for Management I

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Korana Kocic 24 May 2018

Biodiversity Assessment and Conservation Status of Specialized Aphid/Parasitoid Trophic Associations in Endangered Coniferous Forests of Serbia

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Wangechi Kiongo 24 May 2018

Assessing the Impacts of Lake Changes on the Livelihood of Communities Around Lake Turkana: Does Any Alternative Livelihood Exist?

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Thiago Couto 24 May 2018

Cumulative Effects of Small Hydropower Dams in Rivers of the Brazilian Araucária Moist Forest

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Robert Mzungu Runya 24 May 2018

Promoting Sustainable Ecotourism for Conservation and Management of Mangroves in Gazi Bay - Kenya

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South Africa

Lyle Vorsatz 24 May 2018

The Nursery Role of Mangrove Microhabitats at their Northern and Southern Distributional Limits: An Invertebrate and Fish Larval Perspective

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Dickson Boateng 24 May 2018

Conserving the Mangroves of Anomabo, Egya, Abandze and Saltpond to Promote Coastal Biodiversity, Livelihood and Increased Adaptation to Climate Change

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Alejandro Campuzano Zuluaga 24 May 2018

Traditional Ecological Knowledge for the Management of Fish Resources in AATIZOT, Alto Tiquie River, Colombian Amazon

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Antonio de la Torre de Lara 23 May 2018

Building a Participatory Monitoring Program Focused on Jaguars and other Endangered Species in the Greater Lacandona Ecosystem, Mexico

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Al John Cabanas 23 May 2018

Habitat Quality Assessment and Population Estimate of Philippine Warty-Pig (Sus philippensis) in Mt. Banahaw de Tayabas

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Congo (DRC)

Mushagalusa Batumike Rodrigue 4 May 2018

Forest Use by Local Communities and its Implication for Conservation: The Case of Lomami National Park in DRC

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Ripu Kunwar 2 May 2018

Monitoring and Modelling Medicinal Plants in Mountains

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Milica Stanišić 30 Apr 2018

Seminatural Dry Grasslands in Montenegro as Potential NATURA 2000 Sites – Vegetation Diversity, Habitat Typology, Conservation

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Kristen Marie Lear 26 Apr 2018

Bats, Agaves, and People: Filling Critical Knowledge Gaps and Building Local Capacity to Conserve the Endangered Mexican Long-Nosed Bat and its Foraging Habitat

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Gustavo Henrique de Paula Abrantes 26 Apr 2018

Nitrogen Fixation of Epilithic Cyanobacteria Biofilms: Another Reason to Protect the Brazilian Uplands

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Ezekiel Chebii 26 Apr 2018

Participatory Conservation of Emsos Swamp and its Catchment

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Diego Ricardo Méndez Mojica 19 Apr 2018

Movement Ecology and Conservation of the King Vulture in the Andes of Central Bolivia

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Sofía Nanni 18 Apr 2018

Influence of Humans and Domestic Animals on Vertebrate Trophic Cascades in Forest Remnants of the Argentine Chaco: Implications for their Long-Term Conservation

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Gorana Danon 16 Apr 2018

Conservation Threat Assessment to Reptile Habitats in Pčinja Region (Southern Serbia) through Distributional and Fitness Traits of Podarcis erhardii Populations

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André Costa Pereira 16 Apr 2018

Land Use Effects on Demographic Performance of Caiman Crocodilus in the Araguaia Floodplain