
1238 projects

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Pramod Kumar Yadav 12 Oct 2017

Assessing Ecological Threats for Caterpillar Fungus (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) in the Askot Landscape, Western Himalaya, India

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Uros Pantovic 20 Sep 2017

Long-Term Conservation of Key Biodiversity Sites in Serbia – Evaluation and Designation of a New National Network of Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas

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Wagner Rafael Lacerda 20 Sep 2017

Conservation of Buffy-Tufted-Ear-Marmoset (Callithrix aurita): Survey of Remaining Populations in Southern Limit of Distribution in Atlantic Forest, Brazil

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Subham Banerjee 19 Sep 2017

The Maintenance of Vegetation Complexity in a Prime Wildlife Habitat in the Eastern Terai in India

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Jaime Moyano 8 Sep 2017

What Traits Favour Non-Native Pine Invasions in Patagonia? Tools for Preventing Future Conservation Problems

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Natalia Dudinszky 4 Sep 2017

Fire Legacies on Key Habitat Features of the Hollow-Using Wildlife of Nothofagus dombeyi Forests

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Francisco Santander 4 Sep 2017

Raptors in Forests Plantations: Effects of Landscape Structure and Harvest Activities

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Ana Belen Avila 4 Sep 2017

The Return of the Jaguar: Predicting Potential Community-Wide Effects of a Formidable Predator

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Abhijit Boruah 4 Sep 2017

Reviving White-Winged Duck from Extinction in Dehing Patkai Wildlife-Sanctuary, Assam, India

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Sethu Parvathy 25 Aug 2017

Initiating On-Ground Conservation for the Endangered Purple Frog Nasikabatrachussahyadrensis in the Western Ghats, India

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Dossou Seblodo Judes Charlemagne Gbemavo 24 Aug 2017

Milicia excelsa in Benin (West Africa): From Highly Threatened Status to Participative Conservation- Phase I

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Jo Leen Yap 22 Aug 2017

Road Ecology and Canopy Bridges for Arboreal Wildlife to Cope with Habitat Fragmentation in Penang

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John Kannah 22 Aug 2017

Participatory Assessment for the Opportunities and Challenges between the Community and the State Based Conservation of Mangroves Forest in Lake Piso, Liberia

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Gilbert Nyabochwa Atuga 25 Jul 2017

Mwache Mangrove Forest Regeneration: Integrated Approach to Restore Mangrove Habitat I

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ana Ćurić 24 Jul 2017

Conservation of Complex Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitats Preferred by Extreme Ontogenetic Shapeshifter, European Common Spadefoot Toad (Pelobates fuscus)

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Johanna Croce 24 Jul 2017

Fires in Mountain Dry Forests: Importance of Plant-Plant Interaction in the Post-Fire Regeneration

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Daniele de Almeida Miranda 24 Jul 2017

Perfluoroalkylated Compounds in Tropical Estuaries: Degradation, Biomagnification and Effects on the Benthic Community

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Francisco de Paula Severo da Costa Neto 21 Jul 2017

Forgotten Pools: Revealing the Annual Fishes (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae) from Brazilian Chaco

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Vedharajan Balaji 19 Jul 2017

Livelihood Support for Dugong - Seagrass Conservation in Palk Bay

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Michelle Abadie de Vasconcellos 19 Jul 2017

Monitoring and Conservation of the Microendemic Admirable Red Belly Toad

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Nika Paposhvili 18 Jul 2017

Conservation of Velvet Scoter on Tabatskuri Lake in Georgia

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Devendiran Adhavan 18 Jul 2017

Developing Technology for Successful Transplantation of Seagrass in India with Respect to Climate Change

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Santosh Kumar Rana 27 Jun 2017

Distribution and Niche Modelling of Highly Traded Prioritized Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Nepal: Implication for Sustainability and Conservation

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Prescillia R Putri 22 Jun 2017

Mammal Conservation within Palm Oil Plantations in Indonesia: Do Mammal Use Areas Set Aside as High Conservation Value Areas?

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Isaac Ondigo 21 Jun 2017

Biodiversity Conservation and Building Community Resilience through Agroforestry and Apiculture in Migori River Basin