
1238 projects

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Cristian Tetelea 20 Jul 2005

Participatory Environmental Management on Conservation of Special Bird’s Protection Areas in Iron Gates Natural Park – Romania

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Ivan Traykov 19 Jul 2005

Restoration of Small Headwater Wetlands in Bulgaria

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Do Huu Hoang 18 Jul 2005

Evaluating and Improving the Awareness of the Coastal Communities in Khanh Hoa Province on Natural Marine Living Resources

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Georgi Popgeorgiev 18 Jul 2005

Conservation of the Globally Threatened Tortoises in the Eastern Rhodopes Mountain, Bulgaria

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Xiuxiang Meng 17 Jul 2005

Studies on the Conservation of the Musk Deer and Habitat in Dafengding National Nature Reserve of China.

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Xia Lin 17 Jul 2005

An Assessment of the Traffic Disturbance to Tibetan Antelopes in Hoh-Xil National Nature Reserve

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Maria Ines da Silva Bento 17 Jul 2005

Agroforestry Systems as a Strategy for Conservation of the Golden Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia) in its Habitat – the Atlantic Forest of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Alexis Cerezo 16 Jun 2005

Avian Communities as Affected by the Heterogeneity of the Agricultural Landscape of the Rolling Pampa, Argentina: Dynamics Between Cultivated and Non-Cultivated Environments

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Shaeandhoa Garcia 26 May 2005

Evaluating the Conservation Status of the Threatened Andean Bear (Tremarctos ornatus) in La Sierra de Portuguesa, Venezuelan Andes I

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Ashok Verma 4 May 2005

Population Status and Roosting Requirements of Migrant Harriers in South India

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Entang Iskandar 18 Jan 2005

Population and Habitat Analysis of the Javan Gibbon (Hylobates moloch) at Gunung Halimun National Park, West Java, Indonesia

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Alvar Carranza 15 Dec 2004

Pilot Programme for Ecosystemic Monitoring in Cerro Verde (Uruguay): Benthic Invertebrates as a Tool for Conservation - Phase I


Mowdudur Rahman 14 Dec 2004

Environmental Education Training for Sundarban Communities, Bangladesh


D Samuel Chandra Mohan 14 Dec 2004

Community Conservation of Mangrove Wetlands


Partha Jyoti Das 12 Oct 2004

Mapping of Rhino Habitats in the Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam, India using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques


Diego Fernando Higuera Diaz 1 Mar 2004

Ecology and Conservation of Tropical Canopy in the Columbian Andean Mountains (Canopy Birds, Plants and Insects)

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Istvan Urak 21 Jan 2004

Conserving the Oligothroph Meadows Flora and Fauna in Eastern Transilvania, Romania

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Adriana Rodriguez-Ferraro 21 Jan 2004

Community Ecology and Conservation of Bird Assemblages in Arid Zones of Northern Venezuela

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Divya Mudappa 18 Jan 2004

Identifying Important Hornbill Conservation Areas in the Western Ghats, India

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Peter Pal 17 Jan 2004

Ecosystem Research and Sustainable Conservation of Varghis Gorge Nature Reserve, Harghita County, Romania

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Adrián Azpiroz 17 Jan 2004

Ecology and Conservation of Pampas’ Grassland Birds


Diego Lizcano 24 Jul 2003

Conservation of the Mountain Tapir, Colombia

Papua New Guinea

Ann Williams 24 Jul 2003

The Endemic Fauna of Manus Island, Papua New Guinea

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Javier Adolfo Pereira 14 Apr 2003

Pampas and Geoffroy’s Cat, Argentina

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Silvia Alvarez 14 Apr 2003

The Two-Toed Sloth, Colombia