
573 projects

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Anne Toomey 7 Aug 2013

Closing the Gap between Conservation Research and Practice in Madidi National Park, Bolivia

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Sunetro Ghosal 5 Aug 2013

Investigating the Relationship between Humans and Large Mammals in Changthang, Eastern Ladakh, India

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Lucia Hechavarria Schwesinger 19 Jul 2013

Implementing Conservation Action Plan for Vascular Epiphytes of Guamuhaya Range, Central Cuba: Current Local Knowledge Diagnosis and Environmental Education

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Ishani Sinha 18 Jul 2013

Stress as a Possible Driver of Elephant-Human Conflict in Asian Elephants - A Study in the Kodagu-Hassan Region of Karnataka, India

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Houssein Abdillahi Rayaleh 15 Jul 2013

National Awareness Campaign Using the Djibouti Francolin as a Flagship Species for the Conservation of Biodiversity in Djibouti

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Sunil Thapa 9 Jul 2013

Promotion of Alternative Energy for Conservation of Forest Resources

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Tshering Nidup 9 Jul 2013

Butterfly Diversity and Conservation in Royal Manas National Park (RMNP), Sarpang, Bhutan

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Shalini Dhyani 9 Jul 2013

Strengthening Community Conservation Initiatives by Establishing Resource Centre for Integrating Livelihood and Conservation in Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary

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Peter Fundi Njagi 9 Jul 2013

Impact of Human Subsistence Activities on Habitat Use by Percival’s Black and White Colobus Monkey in Mathews Range Forest Reserve

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Levi Yafetto 9 Jul 2013

Fungal Biodiversity and Conservation in Kakum National Park, Ghana

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Justine Daudi Maganira 9 Jul 2013

Influence of Anthropogenic Activities on Riparian Habitats and Invertebrate Communities in Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania

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Agnese Mancini 9 Jul 2013

Promoting Grass-Root Conservation of Natural Resources in San Ignacio Lagoon, BCS, Mexico

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Aaron Killgore 9 Jul 2013

Community Forest Management, Restoration and Conservation Education in Desa Ban, Bali, Indonesia

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Shalva Barjadze 13 Jun 2013

Cave Investigations and Education of Local People for Caves Conservation in Racha Region of Georgia

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Leonard Ssozi 13 Jun 2013

Drawing on Indigenous Knowledge and Cultural Meanings to Conserve / Restore Family Forest Groves in Gombe Sub County, Wakiso District-Uganda

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Fachruddin Mangunjaya 7 Jun 2013

Developing of Ex situ-Biodiversity Project and Ecosystem Services Education for Islamic Boarding School in West Java, Indonesia

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John Manyitabot Takang 7 Jun 2013

Community Education for Sustainable Forest Conservation and Climate Change Mitigation

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Bishnu Prasad Devkota 23 May 2013

Snow Leopard Conservation: People’s Perception on the Verge of Rural Livelihood

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Meghna Krishnadas 23 May 2013

Socio-Ecological Dynamics of Non-Timber Forest Produce (NTFP) Harvest in a Rainforest Complex of Western Ghats in South India

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Maggie Muurmans 20 May 2013

A Holistic Approach to Community Ecosystem Conservation In Pulau Banyak, Aceh, Indonesia

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Seguya Henry Kizito 20 May 2013

Integrating Cultural Values with On-Farm Biodiversity Conservation for the Effective Conservation of Sangobay Forests in Southern Uganda

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Braulio Poje Mishaja 20 May 2013

Monitoring and Census of Parrot Species and their Nests around the Native Community of Infierno, SE Peru

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Rebecca Klein 9 May 2013

Community Outreach and Education for Carnivore Conservation in Botswana

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Chuenu Linus Makazi 8 May 2013

The Impacts of Mineral Exploitation and Associated Trade on Wildlife in the Dja-Boumba Mining Area, East Cameroon, Republic of Cameroon

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Wouter Vansteelant 7 May 2013

Bringing together People and Birds in Eurasia’s Largest Bottleneck for Autumn Bird Migration