
692 projects

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Samuel Ojelel 14 Jun 2016

Empowering the Local Community to Conserve an Endangered and Endemic Encephalartos macrostrobilus, Scott J. & Wynants J. cycad in Madi Opei, Uganda

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Deep Jyoti Chapagain 14 Jun 2016

Population Ecology and Harvesting Sustainability of Aconitum spicatum, Allium wallichii and Dactylorhiza hatagirea in Nepal Himalaya

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Roman Cherepanyn 12 May 2016

Status and Structure of Populations of Rare Arctic-Alpine Plant Species in Highland Ecosystems of Ukrainian Carpathians

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Juana Garcia Flores 10 May 2016

Mayan Community Knowledge for the Conservation and Restoration of Forest Systems in Tabasco, Mexico I

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Rinchen Dorji 12 Apr 2016

Diversity and Ethno-Botany of Ferns in Western Bhutan

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Nima Gyeltshen 11 Apr 2016

Distribution Ecology and Conservation Status of Threatened Paphiopedilum fairrieanum in Ngala, Zhemgang District, Southern Bhutan

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Bulafu Collins Edward 11 Apr 2016

Safeguarding Encephalartos whitelokii through Ex-Situ and In-Situ Conservation

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Rizwana Khanum 30 Mar 2016

Awareness Campaign on Conservation of Endemic Plants and Further Strengthening of Herbarium Specimens Particularly from Chitral

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Palestine, State of

Morgan Cooper 30 Mar 2016

Wildflower Conservation Walks in Palestine

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Mohan Dev Joshi 30 Mar 2016

Working with Community to Improve Livelihoods and Enhance Conservation of Paris polyphylla

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Sangay Wangchuk 23 Mar 2016

Paris polyphylla –The New Livelihood Option for Local Communities and Likely Ecological Crises in Bumthang - Bhutan

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Pham Thanh Trang 23 Mar 2016

Plant Diversity and Conservation in Quang Truc Forest, Dak Nong Province, Vietnam

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Margoth Elizabeth Acuña Tarazona 22 Mar 2016

Diversity, Endemism and Conservation of Orchids and Ferns in the Peruvian Montane Forest

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Branko Andjic 21 Mar 2016

Distribution and Conservation Three New and Three Threatened Species of Moss in Montenegro

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Amal Bawri 17 Mar 2016

Conservation of Endangered Gymnosperm Amentotaxus assamica in Eastern Himalayan Region, India: An Integrated Approach of Ecology, Advocacy and Awareness

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Alci Albiero Junior 17 Mar 2016

How the Forest Fragmentation of the Brazilian Central Amazon is Affecting the Growth Dynamics, Carbon Accumulation and Tree Mortality During their Life Cycle?

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Vanessa Gabrielle Nóbrega Gomes 10 Feb 2016

Reproductive Ecology of Cacti Species from the Brazilian Chaco: Implications for Conservation

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Pramod Kumar Yadav 10 Feb 2016

Assessing the Socio-Economic Influence and Sustainable Management of Ophiocordyceps sinensis Harvesting in the Dharchula-Munsiari Landscape, Indian Himalaya

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Yadok Biplang Godwill 18 Jan 2016

Ecology of the African Pouched Rat (Cricetomys Sp.): Implications for Seed Dispersal and Conservation of Large Seeded Species

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Karma Tshering 14 Jan 2016

Ecological and Adaptation of Tertiary Relic Plant of Tetracentron sinense with Climate Change in Bhutan Himalaya

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Sara Lucía Colmenares Trejos 4 Jan 2016

Functional Trait Approaches to Understand Ecological Processes of Palm Species along an Altitudinal Variation Gradient in Threatened Brazilian Atlantic Forest

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Nguyen Thi Thu 4 Jan 2016

An Assessment of Plant Diversity and Conservation in Muong La Upstream-Protection Forest, Son La Province, Vietnam

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Ilaíne Silveira Matos 17 Dec 2015

Vulnerability of High Altitude Grasslands to Extreme Drought Events: The Role of Facilitation, Alternative Sources of Water and Functional Diversity

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Yelena Gambarova 7 Dec 2015

Increasing Capacity for Biodiversity Conservation: Long-Term Integrated Research and Conservation Education Program, Azerbaijan

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Kanokorn Rueangsawang 19 Nov 2015

The Conservation Assessment of Endemic and Threatened on Justicia Species in Northern Thailand