
219 projects

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Novita Permata Putri 25 Apr 2024

Linking Ecological Knowledge and Local Hearts to Save the Sea Turtles of Anambas Islands


Sulemana Bawa 4 Apr 2024

Describing the Freshwater Turtle Community Structure of the Upper Volta Basin in Ghana; With Priority Search for the Nubian Flapshell Turtle

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Sabin Adhikari 4 Apr 2024

Status Assessment and Conservation of Critically Endangered Elongated Tortoise in Southeastern Nepal

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Daniela Rojas-Cañizales 23 Feb 2024

Assessment of the Sea Turtle Illegal Take in Bocas Del Toro, Panamanian Caribbean


Cansu Ulusoy 16 Jan 2024

The Interaction of Turkey's Antalya Coastal Ecosystems with Wildlife Tourism: Neptune Grass and Green Sea Turtles

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Aristide Takoukam Kamla 17 Nov 2023

Effective involvement of Local Fishermen in the Conservation of Sea Turtles Along the Northern Coastline of Cameroon

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Endora Celohoxhaj 12 Sep 2023

Advancing Marine Turtle Conservation: A Comprehensive Study of Nesting Habitats and Effective Protection Measures for Caretta caretta in Albania

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Melisa Katherine Hernandez Reyes 7 Sep 2023

Women Conserving Life: A Community Option for the Conservation of Sea Turtles in the Colombian Pacific

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Sofia Jones 5 Sep 2023

Conservation Actions for Sea Turtles in Argentina with the Local Community

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Asmit Subba 2 Jun 2023

Distribution Assessment and Conservation Initiatives of Endangered Indian Peacock Soft-Shell Turtle in Kankai River Floodplain of Eastern Lowland Nepal

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Jorge Ernesto Becerra 18 Apr 2023

Landscape Effects and Anthropogenic Habitat Degradation on Genetic Diversity and Gene Flow in a Freshwater Turtle in the North of Mexico

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Fatih Polat 18 Apr 2023

Nest, Population and Conservation Parameters for Nile Softshell Turtle in Antalya, Turkey

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Costa Rica

Jaime Restrepo 3 Feb 2023

Post-Nesting Migration Evaluation and Foraging Areas Identification of Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) Nesting at Tortuguero, Costa Rica


Ana Elisabeth Cordeiro Sayegh 11 Jan 2023

Chemical Characterization of Plastics Ingested by Sea Turtles

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Lourdes Martinez Estevez 14 Nov 2022

Hawksbill Tortoiseshell Fishery and Conservation in the Gulf of California, Mexico


Andrea Isabel Sosa Alcívar 20 Oct 2022

Community-Based Model for the Conservation of Sea Turtles: Training Local Youth at the Galera-San Francisco Marine Reserve, Ecuadorian Coastal Chocó

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Ana Golubović 16 Sep 2022

European Pond Turtle in Serbia: Final Steps toward IUCN Categorization at the National Level

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Adéla Hemelíková 23 Aug 2022

Increasing Conservation Effectiveness of Marine Turtles through Genetic Research in Sumatra, Indonesia


Rodrigo Mayrink 28 Jul 2022

Isotopic Tracers for Endangered River Turtles: A Forensic Tool to Tackle Wildlife Trafficking in the Amazon

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Jannyna Mires Rojas 5 Jul 2022

Assessment of Bycatch Impact on Sea Turtle Hatchlings in Nesting Sites in Peru

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Michael Farid Zavala Armenta 29 Mar 2022

Enhancing a Community-Based Hawksbill Turtle Conservation Program in Mayto-Tehuamixtle, Jalisco

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Pawan Shantiprakash Pareek 15 Feb 2022

Understanding the Nesting Ecology to Support Recovery of Last Known Wild Population of the Red-Crowned Roofed Turtle (Batagur kachuga) in Chambal River, India

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Costa Rica

Veronica Valverde-Cantillo 25 Jan 2022

Hawksbill Turtles and Where to Find Them: Identifying Key Habitats for Conservation in the North Pacific of Costa Rica

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Elvis Bawah 17 Nov 2021

Conservation and Ecology of Trionychidae in River Ofin at the Atwima Mponua District of Ghana

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Camila Miguel 17 Sep 2021

Juvenile Chelonia mydas Health Status from a Foraging Area Affected by the Iron Ore Tailings of the Collapsed Dam in Southeast Brazil