Historical Appraisal of the Diversity of Amphibians and Threats to their Conservation Across Nigeria

19 Jan 2021 Afi Mountain, Nigeria, Africa Amphibians

Chinemerem Ikechukwu Godwin

The objectives of this study are to answer the following research questions:

1. Has amphibian assemblage changed across Nigeria? If yes, what are the factors influencing the changes (eg chytrid fungus disease, climate change, agrochemicals, microplastics, habitat destruction etc).

2. For how long has amphibian chytrid fungus been in Nigeria?

3. Has decline of mountain frogs occurred in Nigeria as in Cameroon?

4. What is the effect of agrochemicals and micro-plastics on Bd infection?

5. What is the association between seasons (wet and dry) and Bd infection?


Amphibian declines are currently one of the most compelling conservation issues and chytridiomycosis, a disease caused by the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), appears to have played an important role. Several studies have confirmed Bd occurs in Nigeria, with no records of mass die-off seen as in other parts of the world. The lack of observed declines or mass mortalities in Nigeria may be due to the paucity of studies on amphibians, with a shifted baseline obscuring impact. This study wishes to determine the history and extent of the threat amphibian chytrid fungus poses to amphibians in Nigeria.

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