5 Nov 2015 Deukhuri Valley, Nepal, Indian Sub-continent Mammals
Project aims to find out Status and Distribution of Striped Hyaena in Deukhuri Valleyand to change the Negative perception of people toward Hyaena through Awareness activities.
Taking measurment of Hyaena Den.
Striped Hyaena (Hyaena hyaena) is classified as “Near threatened” on IUCN Red list of threatened species. It has been assessed as Endangered Nationally under criterion C and D in view of a small population estimated to consist of fewer than 100 individuals, with fewer than 50 mature individuals in Nepal (The status of Nepal’s Mammals, 2011). It is also one of the protected mammals of Nepal by the National park and wildlife conservation Act (NPWCA, 1973).
Measuring Pugmark of Hyaena.
Dang district consist of two valley; Dang Valley and Deukhuri Valley. The study will be carried out in Deukhuri, the lower valley of district. Deukhuri is surrounded by forest covered hills and is rich in bio-diversity which connects Bardiya - Banke and Chitwan National Park through the Churia forests in the Dovan Bottleneck. Valley is connected with Banke national Park in West and an intact forest in the south (Koilabas) connects study area with Sohelwa Wildlife Sanctuary in India. Study area also comes under one of the Important Bird and Biodiversity area of Nepal (IBAs) but less studied.
Camera trap image of Hyaena from camera trap survey (January 2015) from Kalapaani Community forest, Sisahaniya in Northern side of Deukhuri Valley was the first photographic evidence to confirm the presence of Hyaena in Valley but no more information other then its occurrence is know yet in study area.
The status, distribution of this species is unknown in study area. Conservation initiatives particularly on Hyaena are not done yet in local and national level. One adult male Hyaena was found dead on 15th October, 2015 which was hit by the vehicle in East-West Highway which passes though Deukhuri Valley.
Sign Survey and Camera Trap Survey in study area will give baseline information on Status and Distribution of Hyaena in Deukhuri Valley. Issues and Local threats of hyaena will be documented. Public awareness and conservation programs will be conducted, including distribution of conservation materials to the local communities and youth to enhance their understanding about Hyaena and hence to encourage their participation in conservation. National Workshop on Hyaena will be held in capital city inviting journalist, policy makers, university students and stakeholders to address the immediate need of conservation of Hyaena which will help in conservation of this species in a long run way.