7 Mar 2012 Coronel Dorrego, Argentina, Central and Latin America Marine | Habitats
Promoting the Conservation of Pampean Coastal Ecosystems through the Creation of a Marine-Coastal Nature Reserve (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
This project aims to the conservation of dune ecosystems in the Pampean Atlantic coast. We’ll work together with local communities to support a recently created nature reserve.
Spartonoica maluroides grassland bird found in the vegetated dunes at Coronel Dorrego. Species is listed as vulnerable by national categorization.
Sand dunes are one of the most representative ecosystems in the Pampean marine coast. Dune systems hold special biological value, provide sand for the recovery of the beach after storms, shelter the coastline against marine erosion, constitute a key part of the aquifer (underground fresh water reservoir) and enable the development of tourism, recreation, research and education. Despite offering essential environmental services, Pampean coastal dunes are critically endangered by invasive human development. During 2009-2010 we conducted a project awarded by the 1st RSG, to promote the creation of the “Arroyo los Gauchos” Coastal Nature Reserve, in the coastal zone of Coronel Dorrego district. This area still has a good conservation state and was recognized as one of the most relevant dune areas for the conservation of native biodiversity in the Pampean coast.
Calidris canutus.
Our research corroborated the importance of this site for nature conservation, increased information about biodiversity and dynamics of Pampean dunes and strengthened the basis for the creation of a protected area. Afterwards, based on our reports, proposals and actions, the “Arroyo los Gauchos” Nature Reserve was created by provincial Decree nº 469/11, protecting 700 hectares of well preserved Pampean dunes in Coronel Dorrego (6000 hectares of public domain were considered in our original proposal). Though this was an important first step, a large part of the area still remains unprotected. From now on, we are committed to work for the enlargement of the Arroyo los Gauchos protected area, to achieve a more ecologically functional conservation unit, with a more significant habitat representativeness. In this sense, we will continue working with official agencies. Also, a first approach to local private land owners will be made, to encourage them to join dune conservation.
Our experience suggests that to support the new nature reserve, it is important to create opportunities for people’s participation. We will keep interaction with rural schools members and neighbours from local communities to share information and to promote education and valorisation of the coastal ecosystems. Regarding field research, the next stage of our project involves an analysis of the relative importance of each habitat type in the coastal system, considering a set of variables mainly related to vegetation and birds. We will continue monitoring grassland birds and migratory shore birds, which are especially vulnerable groups. Nesting sites, distribution patterns and seasonal dynamics will be explored.