12 Sep 2023 Pô, Burkina Faso, Africa Birds | Biodiversity | Education
Previous studies alerted to large vultures’ plight in Burkina Faso. Despite this severe decline, White-backed Vulture has received little research attention in West Africa and little is known about its breeding behavior and performances.
This project is initiated in order to contribute to improve knowledge on breeding status and performance of White-backed Vulture in Nazinga game ranch.
White-backed and Rüppell's Vultures.
For this goal, we intended to provide:
1) Search and geolocate White-backed Vulture nest in the Nazinga ranch.
2) Monitor 6 focal “occupied nests” of White-backed Vulture using Camera trap.
3) Perform large-scale monitoring of White-backed Vulture nest sites at several breeding stage to check territorial occupancy, egg laying, egg hatching and fledging.
4) assess threat in Vulture, with a major focus on the availability and use of pesticides, rodenticides and veterinary drugs in the areas adjoining Nazinga Ranch
5) raise awareness about the prevention and suitable management of poisoned carcasses and best practices to adopt in vulture conservation issue.
We planned to engage valuable number of locals (the households, foresters, eco-guards, etc.), as well as crucial stakeholders, such as the Nazinga Ranch managers, local and state authorities, the Forestry Department, the Veterinary Department, and NATURAMA. Such mobilization on local stakeholders will played an important role to the effective delivery and implementation value, as in terms of the partnership and working together, as well as in terms of educational and awareness raising components.
Header: Vulture survey field work in Pendjari National Park.