Hummingbirds and their Nectar Resources in Tabasco (Mexico): Identifying Priorities and Strategies for their Conservation

Claudia Isabel Rodríguez Flores

Hummingbirds are the world's best bird pollinators, pollinating more than 7,000 plant species. Although hummingbirds are charismatic birds with a relevant role in many human cultures, over 10% (37 species) are vulnerable, threatened, or endangered, and 60% are in decline. The principal threats to hummingbirds across their distribution are habitat loss and climate change, causing geographic range shifts, phenological mismatch with floral resources and exposing birds to extreme weather events. Unfortunately, the effects of these threats on Mexican hummingbird species and their nectar resources are poorly understood, especially in Tabasco, a state where deforestation, extensive cattle production, agricultural intensification, urbanization, and oil exploration are intense.

This photograph shows the interaction between two native species: the Stripe-throated Hermit (Phaethornis striigularis) and the Coralillo (Hamelia patens). ©Carlos Soberanes González.

This photograph shows the interaction between two native species: the Stripe-throated Hermit (Phaethornis striigularis) and the Coralillo (Hamelia patens). ©Carlos Soberanes González.

The main goal of this project is to establish hummingbird diversity and their principal nectar resources in different areas of Tabasco (Mexico). During this first year, we have been researching hummingbird community and their nectar resources in three localities: Estación Biológica La Florida (municipality of Tacotalpa), Villahermosa (municipality of Centro), and La Pava (municipality of Huimanguillo). In the field, our principal activities are hummingbird census, nectar resources identification, and establishing a seed and cutting collection. Additionally, we have been participating in outreach activities for persons of all ages related to pollinator relevance, pollinator gardens, pollinator characteristics and relevance, and best plants for gardens in Tabasco. Our principal conservation outputs will be :1) A list of hummingbird species and their nectar resources in different localities of Tabasco. 2) Hummingbird plant growth requirements. 3) A list of the best plant species for hummingbirds in garden conditions. 4) A list of hummingbird plants for agrosilvopastoral systems. 5) Scientific and non-scientific materials.

Header: Buff-bellied Hummingbird (Amazilia yucatanensis) visiting flowers of Malvaviscus arboreus in the pollination gardens in ECOSUR. ©Emilio Bejarano.

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