
1871 projects

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Anagaw Atickem Meshesha 28 Jun 2017

Studies on the Cryptic Mammal Species of Africa (Canids and Suidea Family) and Human-Carnivore Conflict Resolution Techniques

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Dedan Ngatia 27 Jun 2017

Assessing Domestic Dog (Canis familiaris) Demography and Rabies Disease Burden in Rural Communities, Kenya: Implications for Conservation of Wild Carnivores

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Emmanuel Amoah 22 Jun 2017

Saving the Vulnerable West African Dwarf Crocodile from Local Extinction: A Community Approach in Awniafutu, Ghana I

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Paul Tehoda 21 Jun 2017

Ecology and Conservation of Robbin’s House Bat in Southwestern Ghana

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South Africa

Louw Claassens 21 Jun 2017

Ecology of Hippocampus capensis (Pices: Syngnathidae) with Specific Focus on Site Fidelity, Home-Range Extent and Habitat Availability

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Isaac Ondigo 21 Jun 2017

Biodiversity Conservation and Building Community Resilience through Agroforestry and Apiculture in Migori River Basin

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Said Ali Ousseni Dhurham 20 Jun 2017

Habitat Suitability and Ecological Niche Modeling of the Mongoose Lemur (Eulemur mongoz) in the Comoros Islands to Assess a Relevant Conservation Plan

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Mohamed Julius Kibaja 20 Jun 2017

Conservation of the Endangered Ashy Red Colobus Monkeys (Piliocolobus tephrosceles) in Unprotected Areas of Western Tanzania

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Johnson Kiptoo Kiprop 20 Jun 2017

Giving Reptiles a Voice; Living on the Edge of Human Reptile Conflicts-Lake Kamnarok, Kerio Valley Kenya

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Jennifer Wanyingi 20 Jun 2017

Improving Livelihoods and Mitigating Human Elephant Conflict in Shimba Hills through Promoting Beekeeping

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Hussein Ibrahim Seid 20 Jun 2017

Behavioural Ecology of Hamadryas Baboons (Papio hamadryas) in and around Borena-Sayint National Park, Northern Ethiopia

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Felemont Kayulayula Banda 20 Jun 2017

Conservation Effects of Spatial Variations in Land Use Patterns on the Littoral Zone Vegetation of Lake Chilwa Wetland: Case of Typha Vegetation

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Fotsing Ernest Dadis Bush 31 May 2017

Feeding Ecology in a Western Gorilla Group under Habituation to Human Presence for Ecotourism in Campo’o Ma’An National Park (South Cameroon)

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Maxwell Kwame Boakye 23 May 2017

Quantifying and Mapping of Cultural Values of Pangolins amongst Major Ethnic Groups in Ghana for Informed Conservation Decision-Making

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Enathe Hasabwamariya 22 May 2017

Influence of Forest Edges and Human Activities on the Ranging Patterns of Chimpanzees in Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda

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Albert Chambichaga 18 May 2017

Status Survey and Conservation of the Threatened West African Dwarf Crocodile (Osteolaemus tetraspis) in Wewe Catchement, Ghana

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Rio Heriniaina 17 May 2017

Impacts of Edge Effects on Lemur Communities in Madagascar’s Eastern Rainforests

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Gifty Anane-Taabeah 16 May 2017

Genetic Diversity and Conservation of Natural Populations of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Ghana

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Anicet Gbèblonoudo Dassou 16 May 2017

Associating Research to Community Education to Conserve Rare and Threatened Melliferous Plants with High Medicinal and Food Values in Benin (West Africa)

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Jéronime Marie-Ange Sènami Ouachinou 15 May 2017

An Assessment of the Ecological Status, Endangerment Factors and Socioeconomic and Cultural Importance of Rare, Endemic and Threatened Plants Harboured of Atacora Mountains in Benin: A Baseline for Installing Vegetation-Based Conservation Areas

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Dessalegn Obsi Gemeda 8 May 2017

Scaling-Up Public Education and Awareness Creation towards Conservation of Vulnerable Black Crowned cranes in Seka Chekorsa District of Jimma Zone, Ethiopia

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Arthur Sniegon 5 May 2017

Building a Regional Base and Establishing Rotation System for Sniffer Dog Presence to Tackle Wildlife Trade in Coastal Congo

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Richard Olwa 21 Apr 2017

Enhancing Recovery of the Population of Critically Endangered Native Tilapia Fishes in Lakes Kayanja and Kayugi, Uganda

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Bernard Essel 19 Apr 2017

Conservation of Fosu Lagoon and the Protection of Wading Birds through Community- Based Approach and Development of GIS Database to Enhance Biodiversity

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Ryszard Oleksy 19 Apr 2017

Navigation in Juvenile Mauritius Fruit Bat (Pteropus niger)