
1871 projects

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Norman Mushabe 14 Jan 2016

Conserving the Fisheries Biodiversity of Lake Bunyonyi in Face of Increasing Human Activities

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Vincent Shacks 12 Jan 2016

Measuring the Recovery of the Previously Exploited Crocodile Population in the Okavango Delta

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Margaret Awuor Owuor 12 Jan 2016

Enhancing Community Awareness, Participation and Education in Environment Conservation and Management of Akara Hills, Kenya II

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Tausi Ally Khitentya 8 Jan 2016

Environmental Education and Community Involvement towards Conservation of Endangered Tilapia Oreochromis amphimelas and its Ecosystem in Lake Kitangiri, Tanzania

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Richard Olwa 8 Jan 2016

Promoting Population Recovery of Critically Endangered Cichlids Fish Species Endemic to Lake Victoria through Artisanal Fisherfolks Participation, Uganda

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South Africa

Tawanda Tinago 6 Jan 2016

Incorporating Genetic Data into Conservation Assessments for Doratogonus Attems 1914 Species (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida, Spirostreptidae)

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Faith Chesire 4 Jan 2016

The Conservation Knowledge and Attitudes of Riparian Communities within Nyando Wetland toward the African Clawless Otter

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Noumbissi Tenku 22 Dec 2015

Safeguarding Bat Habitat in Ekona: Increasing Forest Size and Decreasing Forest Demand through Sustainable Cocoa Farming

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Helen Taylor-Boyd 17 Dec 2015

Bat Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation in Zambia

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Rahila Meribah Yilangai 10 Dec 2015

Effect of Habitat Degradation on Avian Species Diversity and Abundance in a Guinea Savannah Woodland of North East Nigeria

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Ryszard Oleksy 2 Dec 2015

The Impact of the Mauritius Fruit Bat (Pteropus niger) on Commercial Fruit Farms and Possible Mitigation Methods

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Iddi Mwanyoka 2 Dec 2015

Scaling-Up Modern Bee-Keeping as an Innovative Mechanism for Biodiversity Conservation and Community Livelihoods in the East Usambara Mountains

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Francesco Rovero 2 Dec 2015

Udzungwa as a Model for Standardized Research and Monitoring of Biodiversity in Tanzania: Completing a Long-Term Capacity Building Programme

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Edward Mwamuye 2 Dec 2015

Enhancing the Conservation of Sea Turtles and Mangroves in Kenya III

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Sao Tome and Principe

Hugulay Albuquerque Maia 2 Dec 2015

Temporal Changes in the Reef Fish Assemblage of a Neglected Marine Hotspot: São Tomé and Príncipe, Gulf of Guinea

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Erick Otieno Odhiambo 2 Dec 2015

Integrated Village Agroforestry and Energy Efficient Cook Stoves Installation for the Restoration and Conservation of Aduwa Hills Forest Catchment, Siaya, Kenya I

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Zerihun Asrat, Kutie 1 Dec 2015

Assessing Tree Species Diversity and Forest Cover Change Dynamics and Investigation of Local People's Attitude towards Conserving the Wondo Genet Catchment

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South Africa

Lindy Jane Thompson 27 Nov 2015

Ecology of the Hooded Vulture, Necrosyrtes monachus, in the Kruger-to-Canyons Biosphere Reserve, South Africa

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Abdullahi Hussein Ali 26 Nov 2015

Range Restoration for the World’s Most Endangered Antelope and Local Livelihood Improvements in Southeastern Kenya

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Justus Precious Deikumah 26 Nov 2015

Indigenous Vulture Monitoring Project (IVMP)

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Agnes Sirima 26 Nov 2015

Assessing Enguserosambu Community Forest Dependence and Motivation for Forest Protection

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Ahmed Daoud 26 Nov 2015

Assessment of the Status and Distribution of Dugong dugon in Wadi El-Gemal National Park, Southern Red Sea, Egypt

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Dedan Ngatia 16 Nov 2015

Conserving Carnivores in Kenya: Addressing Disease Dynamics in Domestic Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) in Rural Communities

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Njukeng Jetro Nkengafac 9 Nov 2015

Training on Agroforestry and Compost Manure for Nature Conservation

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South Africa

Trishan Naidoo 9 Nov 2015

Concentrations of Microplastic in Postlarval and Juvenile Fish Fauna in an Urban Harbour of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa