
912 projects

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Mark Pestov 2 Aug 2010

Study and Conservation of the Mediterranean Spur-Thighed Tortoise (Testudo graeca) in the Caucasus (Project "Attention: A Turtle!")

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Dovutsho 2 Aug 2010

The Flora of Vakhan Part of Mountainous Badakhshan (Pamir)

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Yelena Gambarova 14 Jul 2010

Rare Vegetation Monitoring in the Gobustan National Park, Azerbaijan

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Nguyen Quang Huy 14 Jul 2010

Building an Insect Specimen Collection for Educational Conservation Activity for High School Students in Hanoi, Vietnam

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Buuveibaatar Bayarbaatar 14 Jul 2010

Survival and Mortality of Saiga Calves in Mongolia

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Maka Murvanidze 9 Jul 2010

An Ecological Assessment of Different Forest Types of Borjomi Gorge Protected Territories by Indicator Insect Species and Education of Local Population on Conservation of Biodiversity

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Fachruddin Mangunjaya 9 Jul 2010

Introducing the Islamic Hima and Harim System as a New Approach to Nature Conservation in Indonesia Phase II

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Imanuddin 6 Jul 2010

Recovering West Bali Tropical Deciduous Forest Ecosystem through Eradicating Invasive Weed and Native Tree Planting Program

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Eni Hidayati 6 Jul 2010

Environmental Journalism Training: A Means to Raise Youth Awareness about Coral Reefs Conservation in Sumbawa Island

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Thy Neang 21 Jun 2010

Reptile Survey and Capacity Building for Young Cambodian Scientists and Undergraduate Students in Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary, Cardamom Mountains, Cambodia

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George Gorgadze 18 Jun 2010

Supporting of Eurasian Otter Conservation in Georgia

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Hani Nusantari 15 Jun 2010

Celebrate the International Year of Biodiversity by Increasing Awareness of Marine Biodiversity among Primary School Children in East Lombok - Indonesia

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Nazeli Vardanyan 15 Jun 2010

Environmental Education and Awareness Raising on Sustainable Use of Natural Resources for School Children and Youth, Including Media Participation

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Edna Sabater 15 Jun 2010

Movement, Range, and Population Size Estimate: Aspects in Cetacean Conservation in the North-Western Mindanao Sea, Philippines

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Nguyen Cuong Manh 7 Jun 2010

Conservation of Threatened and Endangered Species of Gymnosperm in Northwest Vietnam

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Gang Chen 7 Jun 2010

Promoting the Desert Communities Sustainable Development Methods for Better Wild Bactrian Camels Conservation in Xinjiang, China (Phase II)

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Danielle Kreb 7 Jun 2010

Sustainable Management of Freshwater Protected Areas for the Critically Endangered Irrawaddy Dolphin in the Mahakam River, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

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Indra Yustian 7 Jun 2010

Ex Situ Conservation of Tarsius bancanus saltator on Belitung Island, Indonesia: A Pilot Project Near their Natural Habitat

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Alexey Dondua 7 Jun 2010

Protection of Spoon-Billed Sandpiper Breeding Ground in Northern Chukotka: Better Late than Never

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Thant Zaw Soe 7 Jun 2010

Evaluation of Habitat and Human – Asiatic Black Bear Conflicts in Mauk Mai Region, Myanmar

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Luong Nguyen Viet 7 May 2010

Mangrove Forest Structure and Coverage Change Analysis Using Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System Technology: A Case Study of Can Gio Mangrove Biosphere Reserves, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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Sergey Didenko 21 Apr 2010

Dagi River Conservation Action Plan

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Thattaya Bidayabha 29 Mar 2010

Developing Wildlife Monitors: Ensuring Protection for Dong Phayayen Khao Yai Forest Complex, and a Sustainable Future for its Carnivores

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South Korea

Nial Moores 29 Mar 2010

Blueprint for the Conservation of Avian Biodiversity in the South Korean Yellow Sea

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Susan Cheyne 11 Mar 2010

Orang-utans and Gibbons Compared: Implications of Differences in Feeding and Behavioural Ecology for Conservation III