
912 projects

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Anna Barashkova 18 Jun 2009

Clarifying Conservation Status of Pallas Cat in Kazakhstan

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Anh Le Doan 18 Jun 2009

Involving Communities and Schools in Conservation of the Red-Shanked Douc Langur (Pygathrix nemaeus nemaeus) in Bach Ma National Park, Vietnam

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Nick Hill & Amado Blanco 4 Jun 2009

Seaweed Farming as an Alternative Livelihood for Conservation

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Nguyen Van Quan 4 Jun 2009

Assessment of the Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Services and Linkages with the Poverty Alleviation in Thua Thien - Hue Province, Central Vietnam

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Rasyid Assaf Dongoran 4 Jun 2009

Local Community Empowerment on Tiger and its Conservation in Southeast Aceh, Indonesia

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Peiqi Liu 4 Jun 2009

Studies on Scaly-Sided Merganser Breeding Population and Habitat Selection in the Changbai Mountains

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Ainura Jusupova 30 Mar 2009

Environmental Education and Involvement of Local People in Nature Conservation in Beshikjon and Akman Municipalities, Kyrgyzstan

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Gang Chen 27 Feb 2009

Promoting the Desert Communities Sustainable Development Methods for Better Wild Bactrian Camels Conservation in Xinjiang, China (Phase I)

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Laura Graham 18 Feb 2009

Mycorrhizae as Necessary Tools for Restoring Tropical Peatlands

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Cao Thi Kim Dung 17 Feb 2009

Distribution Status and Conservation of Vultures at Yokdon National Park, Vietnam

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Quyet Le Khac 12 Feb 2009

Positional Behaviour and Habitat use of Rhinopithecus Avunculus in Khau Ca Area


Outhai Vongsa 12 Feb 2009

Impacts of Wildlife Harvesting on the Recently Described ‘Living Fossil’, Kha-nyou (Laonastes aenigmamus), an Endangered, Endemic Rodent from Central Lao PDR

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Pitra Akhriadi 3 Feb 2009

Assessment of Conservation Status of Rafflesia in West Sumatra

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U Myint Aung 28 Jan 2009

Community-Based Conservation of Asian Elephants in Rakhine Yoma

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Pham Huu Tri 28 Jan 2009

Restoration the Marine Animal Resources in the Seagrass Meadows at Cam Hai Dong, Cam Ranh Bay, Khanh Hoa Province

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Yayan Wahyu Candra Kusuma 23 Jan 2009

Reassessment of Critically Endangered Syzygium ampliflorum (K. & V.) Amsh. in Mount Galunggung, West Java, Indonesia

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Peng-Fei Fan 30 Dec 2008

Conservation Status Assessment of Hoolock Gibbons in China

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Wilson Novarino 30 Dec 2008

Malayan Tapir (Tapirus indicus) Conservation Project

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Ignacio Kristianto Muladi 23 Oct 2008

Assessing the Sustainability of the Harvesting of Orange-Headed Thrush Chicks on Bali, Indonesia

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Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy 22 Oct 2008

Extension of Community Based Mangrove Restoration Model Focusing on Fallow Shrimp-Farming Ponds

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Valery Shokhrin 30 Sep 2008

Blakiston’s Fish Owl in Southern Primorye: Living Next-Door to People

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Annisa Satyanti 29 Sep 2008

An Impact Assessment of Limestone Quarries on Flora Diversity in Ciampea, Bogor

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Rignolda Djamaluddin 29 Sep 2008

Completion of the Project on Cost-Effective Mangrove Rehabilitation Focussing on Restoration of Hydrology

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Changjie Zhao 29 Sep 2008

Studies on the Invasion Patterns of Alien Crofton Weed and its Impacts on the Local Ecosystem and Communities in Liangshan Yi People Autonomous Prefecture

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Nang Kham Lay 23 Sep 2008

Conservation of Pangolin on the Plateau of Shan State, Myanmar