Central and Latin America

1681 projects

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Matheus Yuri Halmenschlager 22 Oct 2019

Can Agroforest Systems Effectively Harbour High Diversities of Key Pollinators?

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Clara Trofino Falasco 21 Oct 2019

Developing Effective Conservation Tools for Grassland Songbirds in Argentinean Pampa

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Enzo Marcelo Rodriguez Reyes 14 Oct 2019

Conserving a Highly Social Endangered Bird Species via Reintroduction: The Floreana Mockingbird

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Claudia Andrea Luna Morales 9 Oct 2019

The Impact of Habitat Disturbance on Seed Dispersal Networks and Ecosystem Functioning in Mediterranean Forests of Central Chile

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Anne Sophie de Almeida e Silva 7 Oct 2019

The Black Lion Tamarin Leontopithecus chrysopygus as Seed Disperser and its Role in Forest Regeneration

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Costa Rica

Hector Alexis Luque Machaca 4 Oct 2019

Impacts of Logging on Terrestrial Mammals in The Tropical Forests of Sarapiquí, Costa Rica

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Alvaro García Olaechea 30 Sep 2019

Coexisting Around Humans: Effect of Exotic Species on Native Mammals of The Cerros de Amotape National Park, Peru

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Gabriel Massaine Moulatlet 27 Sep 2019

Mapping the Distribution of Ferns and Lycophytes and its Relation to Other Taxa Along the Andean-Amazonian Corridor

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Margherita Scazza 26 Sep 2019

Resisting Extractivism and Deforestation in the Ecuadorian Amazon - Technological Interventions to Protect Waorani’s Ancestral Lands

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Daniela Gomez 24 Sep 2019

Identification of Priority Areas for Conservation of the Rufous-Throated Dipper (Cinclus schulzi) Through the Genetic Structure of their Populations

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Vinicius Tirelli Pompermaier 24 Sep 2019

Assessing the Vulnerability of the Epigeic Springtail Community and its Potential Indicator of Inorganic Nutrient Inputs in the Central Brazilian Savannas

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José Fernando Pontón Cevallos 20 Sep 2019

All Voices Matter: Incorporating Fishers' and Expert Knowledge to Improve Fisheries Decision-Making in the Galapagos

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Yocoyani Meza Parral 16 Sep 2019

The Vulnerability of Amphibians to Global Warming Along an Altitudinal Gradient: Critical Thermal Maximum in Species from Tropical and Temperate Habitats

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María Eugenia Iezzi 16 Sep 2019

Improving Connectivity in the Argentinian Atlantic Forest: Delimitation of Corridors and Priority Conservation Areas for Big Mammals in a Productive Landscape

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Lucía Belén Zamora Nasca 16 Sep 2019

Assessing Domestic Dogs’ Role in Protected Areas: Interaction with Wildlife and Society Perception

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Yedda Christina Bezerra Barbosa de Oliveira 4 Sep 2019

Reducing Impacts of Incidental Capture and Promoting Sea Turtles Conservation through Community-Based Monitoring

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Priscilla Braga Petrazzini 3 Sep 2019

Population Viability Analysis and Conservation of Giant Anteater in a Savannah Protection Area

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Luciano Hiriart-Bertrand 27 Aug 2019

Marine and Coastal Areas of Indigenous Peoples: A Novel Approach to Scaling Up Marine Biodiversity Conservation Efforts in Chile


Karina Theodoro Molina 20 Aug 2019

Delta Tamanduas - Conservation of Southern Tamandua (Tamandua tetradactyla) in the Brazilian Northeast Coast

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Vivianne Eilers 20 Aug 2019

Using an Automated Monitoring Method to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Cable Markers as a Mitigation Measure for the Impacts of Power Transmission Lines on Birds

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Cristina Nuñez Godoy 16 Aug 2019

Which Program Will Halt Deforestation? Landowners' Preferences for Forest Conservation Programs in the Gran Chaco of Argentina

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Christian Thomaz Osorio Popiolek 13 Aug 2019

Puma Density, Habitat Use, and Trophic Ecology: A Science-Based Management Approach for Resolving Wildlife-Human Conflict in a Degraded Biodiversity Hotspot

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Maria Gabriela Rodriguez Barrera 7 Aug 2019

Understanding the Role of Prairie Dogs for Maintaining Ecosystem Functions in Threatened Semi-Arid Mexican Grasslands

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Diego García Olaechea 7 Aug 2019

Distribution Patterns and Community Structure of Dry Forest Birds of Northwestern Perú: Responses under Climate Change

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Indira A. L. Eyzaguirre 5 Aug 2019

Socio-Ecological Knowledge Network of Mangrove Forests to Access Conservation Opportunities for the Strengthening of Communities in Marine Protected Areas