Central and Latin America

1681 projects

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Maximilian Hirschfeld 3 May 2016

Population Connectivity of Galapagos Bullhead Sharks and the Identification of Key Habitats for Conservation in the Galapagos Archipelago

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Raffaello Di Ponzio 3 May 2016

Aerial Insectivorous Bat Responses to Forest Insularization at an Amazonian Hydroelectric Dam

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María Camila Latorre Cárdenas 26 Apr 2016

Participatory Monitoring and Population Ecology of the Neotropical Otter in Veracruz, Mexico

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Viviana Motato-Vásquez 26 Apr 2016

Diversity and Conservation of Poroid Fungi (Basidiomycota, Polyporales) in Fragmented Areas of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest

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Costa Rica

Randall Jimenez Quiros 26 Apr 2016

Amphibian Skin Microbiome and its Interaction with Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis: Tools to Mitigate Chytridiomycosis in Costa Rica

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Megan Gabriela Chevis 21 Apr 2016

Baseline Monitoring of Elasmobranchs in Panama Using Fisheries-Dependent and Independent Methods

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Ricardo Romero Gonzalez 20 Apr 2016

Management of Secondary Cloud Forest

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Mariana Bueno Landis 20 Apr 2016

Lowland Tapir (Tapirus terrestris) Conservation in Carlos Botelho State Park and Buffer Zone, São Paulo, Brazil

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Gonzalo Ossa 12 Apr 2016

The Next Frontier for White-Nose Syndrome: Identifying High-Risk Species and High-Impact Management Practices in South America

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Pilar Herron 12 Apr 2016

Sustainability of the Artisanal Fishing Gears Used in the Colombian Pacific Coast

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Yoamel Milián-García 31 Mar 2016

Conservation Genetics and Molecular Systematics of Cuban Crocodylus (Crocodylia: Crocodylidae)

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Tomás Michel Rodríguez Cabrera 31 Mar 2016

Ecology and Conservation of the Endemic Scorpion Genus Tityopsis in Native Forests of Western Cuba (II)

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Maya Wilson 29 Mar 2016

Population Biology, Life History and Ecology of the Bahama Swallow (Tachycineta cyaneoviridis): Informing Conservation of an Endangered Bird in the Bahamas I

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Jane Herrera Uria 29 Mar 2016

Conservation of Land Snails in Fragmented Landscapes and Environmental Education in Rural Communities from Isla de la Juventud, Cuba

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Elizabeth Campbell 29 Mar 2016

Developing a Community-Based Tourism Program Focused on the Ecosystem Services of the Yarina Lagoon in the Peruvian Amazon

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Angelica Menchaca Rodriguez 24 Mar 2016

Understanding Migration through Genomics to Aid in the Conservation of the Tequila Bat (Leptonycteris yerbabuenae)

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Viviana Márquez Velásquez 24 Mar 2016

Evaluation of Ecological Function of Freshwater Stingray Potamotrygon magdalenae on a Trophic Food Web of the Colombian Andes

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Dominican Republic

Spencer Christian Schubert 23 Mar 2016

Exploring the Potential of Endemic Colonial-Nesting Birds as Natural Agents of Forest Restoration in Degraded Lands of the Dominican Republic

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M. Noelia Barrios-Garcia 23 Mar 2016

Ecosystem Recovery after European Wild Boar Eradication on Cachal Huapi Island, Nahuel Huapi National Park - Patagonia

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Milene Garbim Gaiotti 23 Mar 2016

Breeding Biology and Population Viability of the Endangered Endemic Araripe manakin (Antilophia bokermanni, Aves: Pipridae)

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Mey Ling Reytor Gonzalez 23 Mar 2016

Assessing the Prevalence of a Lethal Fungus on Populations of an Endangered Cuban Amphibian: Rising Awareness and Developing Conservation Efforts

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Costa Rica

Mario Espinoza 22 Mar 2016

Looking for Lost Fish: Status of the Largetooth Sawfish (Pristis pristis) in Costa Rica

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Margoth Elizabeth Acuña Tarazona 22 Mar 2016

Diversity, Endemism and Conservation of Orchids and Ferns in the Peruvian Montane Forest

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Luciana Medeiros Silva 22 Mar 2016

Population Structure and Trophic Ecology of Loggerhead Sea Turtles Caretta caretta in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean

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Hugo Reis Medeiros 22 Mar 2016

The Importance of Forest Remnants for the Maintenance of Predatory Insect and their Biological Control Services in Agricultural Landscapes of Southeast Brazil