Central and Latin America

1681 projects

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María Jimena Gómez Fernández 14 May 2014

Population Status and Connectivity of the Endangered Taruca (Hippocamelus antisensis) in the Northwest of Argentina: Diagnosis for a Management Proposal

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Costa Rica

Juan G. Abarca A. 14 May 2014

In Searching of Missing Frog Species in Costa Rica: Rediscovery Critically Endangered Species in a Time of Extinction

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Melina Velasco 13 May 2014

Conserving the Endangered Laguna-Raimunda Frog (Atelognathus reverberii), Endemic from Northern Patagonian Steppe, Argentina

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Dalia Carolina Barragán Barrera 13 May 2014

Studying Genetic Structure and Boat Disturbance on Individual Behaviour of an Isolated Coastal Population of Bottlenose Dolphins in Bocas Del Toro, Panama

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Rodrigo Garcia Pingaro 9 May 2014

Strengthening Strategies and Actions for the Management and Conservation of the Whales and Dolphins Sanctuary (Uruguay)

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Tainá Sherlakyann Alves Pessoa 2 May 2014

Structure and Conservation Status of Alouatta belzebul (Linnaeus, 1766) and Sapajus flavius (Schreber, 1774) Populations in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil

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Clay Plager-Unger 2 May 2014

Dry Tropical Forest Revegetation Project

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Maya Wilson 1 May 2014

The Ecology, Life History and Conservation of the Bahama Swallow (Tachycineta cyaneoviridis), an Endangered Passerine in the Northern Bahamas

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Marina Albuquerque Regina de Mattos Vieira 30 Apr 2014

Interactions Between Hunters and Wildlife in the Use of Salt Licks at the SDR Piagaçu-Purus, Amazonas State, Brazil

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Carlos Werner Hackradt 30 Apr 2014

Population Status, Genetic Structure and the Need of Conservation Measures for a Brazilian Endemic and Endangered Species of Parrotfish: Scarus trispinosus

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Pablo Cesar Guerrero Martin 30 Apr 2014

Demographic Dynamics of a Critically Endangered Cacti: Eriosyce chilensis

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Fernando Arbeláez 16 Apr 2014

Community-Based Conservation Program of Three Endangered Species of River Turtles with Amazonian Indigenous Communities of Colombia and Peru 2014

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Lina Maria Valencia 16 Apr 2014

Effects of Habitat Fragmentation on Movement Patterns and Dispersal of the Endangered Silvery-Brown Tamarin (Saguinus leucopus) in Caldas, Colombia

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Bibiana Gomez 14 Apr 2014

Effect of Fragmentation on Medium-Sized Mammals Diversity and Connectivity Analysis at Three Quebrachos Forest, Central Sub-Humid Chaco, Argentina

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Dominican Republic

Christopher Justin Proctor 14 Apr 2014

Uncovering Life History Traits and Conservation Strategies for the Golden Swallow, Tachycineta euchrysea sclateri, a Threatened and Endemic Passerine on the Island of Hispaniola

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Felipe Ennes Silva 19 Mar 2014

Behavioral Ecology and Conservation of White Uakaries (Cacajao calvus calvus) in Amazon

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Angelica Cristina Gouveia Nunes 19 Mar 2014

Tourism with Amazon River Dolphins (Inia geoffrensis): Behavioural Changes and Acoustic Characteristics of Aggregations in Negro River

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Mark Bowler 12 Mar 2014

Community Conservation of Red Uakari Monkeys (Cacajao calvus ucayalii) on the Yavari River, Peru

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Gustavo Adolfo Castellanos Galindo 12 Mar 2014

Mangroves as Providers of Ecosystem Services in the Tropical Eastern Tropical Region under the Influence of Climate Variability

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Ramiro Daniel Crego 12 Mar 2014

Predatory Impacts and Variables Determining the Spatiotemporal Occupancy of the Invasive American Mink (Neovison vison) on a Pristine Island in Southern Chile

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Milay Cabarroi Hernández 12 Mar 2014

Conservation Status of Cuban Fungi: Diversity and Distribution of Ganodermataceae (basidiomycota)

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Matthew Jasinski 12 Mar 2014

Spatial Scale Dependence of Biodiversity for Conservation of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef

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Javier Sanguinetti 12 Mar 2014

Climate Change, Wildfires and Non-Native Granivores Interactions: A Potential Threat to Conserve Araucaria Forest in Argentina and Chile

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Luciano Hiriart-Bertrand 28 Feb 2014

Using Scientific-Based Approaches to Promote the Establishment of a Marine Protected Area for Threatened Humboldt and Magellanic Penguins in Southern Chile

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Lisbet Gonzalez Oliva 28 Feb 2014

Invasive Alien Legume Inga punctata in Biosphere Reserve Sierra del Rosario (Cuba): Assessment and Initial Actions for Control and Native Forest Restoration