Central and Latin America

1681 projects

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Francisco Mora Ardila 25 Mar 2013

Assessing the Conservation Value of Tropical Dry Forests Under Local Management in the Chamela-Cuixmala Region, Mexican Pacific Coast

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Ronald Sosa Escalante 13 Mar 2013

Long-Term Effects of Habitat Modification on Amphibians in the Yungas and Inter-Andean Dry Valley Ecoregions

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Costa Rica

Nicolas Vanlangendonck 13 Mar 2013

Assessment of Anthropogenic Pressures Consequences on Alouatta palliata, Ateles geffroyi and Cebus capicinus Physiology: Implication for Conservation Biology

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Mariana Bueno Landis 13 Mar 2013

Effects of Hunting and Population Density of Southern Muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides) in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil

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Costa Rica

Marc Ward 13 Mar 2013

Punta Pargos Green Turtle Monitoring and Protection Program

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Rayner Núñez 5 Mar 2013

Butterflies and Moths of Monte Iberia, Cuba. Filling Gaps and Capacity Building toward its Conservation

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Matías Enrique Mastrangelo 5 Mar 2013

Conserving Dry Tropical Forests on Agricultural Frontiers of the Gran Chaco

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Juan Pablo Seco Pon 5 Mar 2013

Identifying High Risk Areas for Seabirds in the Patagonian Shelf: Overlap between Threatened Species and Fisheries

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Elena Castiñeira Latorre 27 Feb 2013

Ethnobotany to the Conservation in the Protected Area "Quebradas del Norte-Regional Park

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Arturo Muñoz 25 Feb 2013

Bolivian Amphibian Initiative IV

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Pedro López Del Castillo 25 Feb 2013

Watershed Conservation in Cuba: Bio-Monitoring, Training and Environmental Education II

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Cecilia Smith 25 Feb 2013

Propagation of Native Ferns for the Restoration of the Threatened Forests of Juan Fernandez Archipelago, Chile

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Veronica Chillo 18 Feb 2013

Effects of Land-Use Intensification on Biodiversity, Ecosystem Processes and Services: Developing Tools for Sustainable Development in Forests of Patagonia

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Yazmín Madeleine Tolosa Gómez 15 Feb 2013

The Wild Animals Do Not Want to be Pets: Sensitization and Education to Decrease the Traffic and Possession of Wild Animal as Pets in Santa Cruz, Bolivia

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Shannon Fletcher Zuschlag 7 Feb 2013

Assessing the Status of the Endangered Puya raimondii Population in the National Sanctuary of Calipuy

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Diane Gendron 1 Feb 2013

Monitoring Blue Whale Behavior in the Gulf of California: A Key Component to Encourage Responsible Whale Watching

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Katharina Johanne Peters & Sonia Kleindorfer 1 Feb 2013

Ensuring the Survival of Darwin’s Finches through the Control of an Introduced Parasitic Fly and by Galvanising Local Community Action

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Jenilee Maarit Montes Fontalvo 30 Jan 2013

Protocol for Monitoring Dragonflies Populations (Insecta: Odonata) in Colonbian Protected Areas with the Purpose of Aquatic Habitats Protection

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Juan Luis Peña-Mondragon 23 Jan 2013

Characterization of Livestock Management for Conservation of the Jaguar in Northeast Mexico (2nd Phase)

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Ryan Phillips 23 Jan 2013

Tracking the Enigmatic Solitary Eagle (Buteogallus solitarius) via Satellite GPS Transmitters in Belize

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Andrea Izquierdo 18 Jan 2013

Scenario-Based Conservation Planning of Argentine High Andean Wetlands: Geographic Patterns, Climate Change and Mining Prospects

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Hugo Cardoso de Moura Costa 18 Jan 2013

Ecology and Conservation of the Jaguar Panthera onca at the Cristalino State Park in Southern Amazon

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Estefania Ruiz de los Llanos 2 Jan 2013

Regeneration of Amburana cearensis – A Valuable and Endangered Timber Species: Research and Proactive Actions for Conservation

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Costa Rica

Didiher Chacon-Chaverri 21 Dec 2012

Sea Turtle Rescue and Conservation Centre – Pacuare Beach

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Antonia Barreau Daly 19 Dec 2012

Revitalising Biocultural Diversity and Plant Conservation through Traditional Food Systems in the Andean Temperate Forests, Chile