Central and Latin America

1681 projects

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Stephen Taranto 9 Feb 2012

Tarapari Biodiversity Garden Butterfly Education and Conservation Resource Center

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George Olah 6 Feb 2012

Development of Novel Genetic Techniques for Conservation Studies of Large Macaws II

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Marcia Carolina Muñoz 6 Feb 2012

Climate Change and Consequences for Plant-Frugivores Network in Tropical Andean Forest

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Edgar M. Fortune 27 Jan 2012

Final Phase of the Removal of Australian Pine from White Cay, Bahamas

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Erick Cristóbal Oñate González 27 Jan 2012

Identification of Aggregation Sites of Juvenile White Sharks and their Relationship with Adult Sharks in the Eastern North Pacific

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Ana Laura Nolasco Velez 23 Jan 2012

Diurnal Activity Patterns in Reintroduced Bison and the Effect of their Wallows in a Grassland of the Ecological Reserve El Uno

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Maria João Veloso da Costa Ramos Pereira 19 Jan 2012

Factors Affecting Patterns of Diversity in Bats and its Consequences for Virus Prevalence: An Analysis of Assemblages in Endangered Neotropical Savannas

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Rodrigo Barbosa Gonçalves 9 Jan 2012

Effects of Forest Fragmentation on Communities and Populations of Wild Bees (Hymenoptera, apidae) in a Rural Landscape Western Paraná (Brazil)

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Gabriel Rocha Sagrera 5 Jan 2012

Yellow Cardinal (Gubernatix cristata) and other Threatened Grassland Birds Conservation in Uruguay

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Lucia Ziegler 5 Jan 2012

Developing a Baseline for Amphibian Monitoring through Acoustic Surveys in Uruguay, South America

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María Daniela Rodríguez 22 Dec 2011

Effect of Land Use on Biodiversity Conservation: Generating Management Tools for Restoration of Desertified Arid Lands

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Dánae Cabrera Toledo 7 Dec 2011

Population Ecology for Conservation of Key Species of the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley: Merging Scientific Knowledge with Sustainable Management Options


Alexandra María Avila 7 Dec 2011

Genetic Variability and Conservation of the Misty Grouper (Hyporthodus mystacinus) in the Galapagos Islands

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Luis Roberto Gonzalez Torres 29 Nov 2011

Fires in Cuban Serpentine Thickets: Impact Evaluation and Conservation Planning

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Lenin Riquelme 29 Nov 2011

Implementation of the Manatee Conservation Plan in San San Pondsak Wildlife Sanctuary, Panama

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José Tomás Ibarra 28 Nov 2011

Endemic Owls and Woodpeckers from the Temperate Rainforests of South-America: Are they Reliable Indicators of Biodiversity for Sustainable Forest Management

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Juan Sebastián Mejía Correa 28 Nov 2011

Population Status of Baird’s Tapir (Tapirus bairdii) on Los Katios National Park

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Sandra M Duran 28 Nov 2011

Tree Diversity and Above Ground Carbon Stocks in a Tropical Dry Forest

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Diego Ricardo González Zevallos 28 Nov 2011

Magellanic Penguin Diet Requirements and its Relationship with Commercial Fisheries: A Case Study in Golfo San Jorge

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Dario Alejandro Moreira Arce 28 Nov 2011

Conservation of Critically Endangered Darwin’s Fox in a Human-Dominated and Multi-Competitor Landscape in Central South Chile

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Carlos Zamorano Elgueta 30 Sep 2011

Restoration of Temperate Forests in the Southern Chile: Integrating Ecological and Socioeconomic Variables

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Malini Pittet 27 Sep 2011

The Impacts of Recent Climatic Fluctuations on the Distribution of Threatened Mammals in a Neotropical Flood Forest of North Eastern Peru

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Alessandro Catenazzi 27 Sep 2011

Conservation of Montane Forest Anurans in South-Eastern Peru II

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Rodrigo Barbosa Ferreira 27 Sep 2011

How Do Matrix-Habitat Types Influence Edge Effect? Field Study on Bromeligenous Frogs and Ecological Perspective of Local Farmers at Brazil’s Atlantic Forest

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Helbert Anchante 20 Sep 2011

Ensuring Viability of Marine Otters (Lontra felina) at Lagunilla, Paracas National Reserve