Central and Latin America

1681 projects

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Ewa Oleksinska 7 May 2010

Monitoring of Mangrove Forest Quality in the Pacific Slope of Guatemala

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Ricardo Alvarez 5 May 2010

Population Assessment and Conservation Status of the Marine Otter and the Southern River Otter in the Islands and Channels of Southern Chile

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Paula Meli 5 May 2010

Ecological Restoration of Riparian Vegetation in Lacandona Rainforest: Importance of Environmental Filters and Functional Traits in Revegetation Success

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Maria Florencia Spina 26 Apr 2010

Comparison of the Level of Disturbance in Areas Subjected to Trawling Activities with that Occurring in Temporarily Protected Areas and its Relevance to Habitat Conservation

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Pablo García-Borboroglu 21 Apr 2010

Global Penguin Society: The Penguin Advocacy for the Ocean

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Juan Valqui 24 Mar 2010

Population Genetics of the Marine Otter (Lontra felina) along the Peruvian Coast

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Leonardo de Carvalho Oliveira 24 Mar 2010

Ecology and Behaviour of Golden-Headed Lion Tamarins in Cabruca Agroforest, Bahia State, Brazil

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Saint Lucia

Katharine Lowrie 24 Mar 2010

Survey Boat for Seabird Breeding Atlas of the Lesser Antilles

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Valentina Franco Trecu 15 Mar 2010

A Comparative Study of the Foraging Strategy and Trophic Oerlap of Two Sympatric Otariids, Otaria flavescens and Arctocephalus australis from Isla de Lobos, Uruguay: Implications for Conservation

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Agustin Paviolo 15 Mar 2010

A Research Project to Help Preserve the Endangered Jaguar Population of the Green Corridor of Misiones, Argentina

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Rachael Carrie 11 Mar 2010

The Development of Freshwater Bio-Monitoring in Belize

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Daniela Dutra 11 Mar 2010

Resource Management, Trade and Conservation of Wild Harvested Epiphytic Orchid Species in Oaxaca, Mexico I

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Liza Maria Veiga 3 Mar 2010

Ecology and Conservation of the Critically Endangered Ka'apor Capuchin Monkey (Cebus kaapori) in the Brazilian Amazon

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Jayme Prevedello 3 Mar 2010

Does Harvesting of the Brazilian Pine Seeds Affect Mammals of the Atlantic Forest?

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Rodrigo Villate 3 Mar 2010

Educating People for a Local Monitoring Program of the Cana Coral Reef Ecosystem at the Corn Island, Nicaragua

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Taran Grant 11 Feb 2010

Diagnosing Spatial Patterns of the Bullfrog Invasion in the Atlantic Forest Biome of Southern Brazil

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Soledad Diaz 8 Feb 2010

Enicognathus ferrugineus (Aves Psittacidae) Habitat Selection in Araucaria araucana Forests

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Véronica Solis Gracia 22 Jan 2010

Towards the Recovery of Bison and its Ecological Role in Mexico

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Angela Maria Maldonado Rodriguez 15 Jan 2010

Locally Based Monitoring of Wildlife Utilisation at the Colombian-Peruvian Border: Enforcing International Wildlife Trade Regulations

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Francisco Aguirre Saavedra 14 Jan 2010

Ecological Parameters Related to the Regeneration of Chilean Palm Forests (Jubaea chilensis (Mol.) Baillon) in the Region of Valparaíso - Chile

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Pascual Rafael Escobar 18 Dec 2009

Conservation of a Humid Subtropical Ecosystem through Ecotourism in the Finca Loma Linda

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Luciana Alonso 18 Dec 2009

Research and Involvement of Local Communities to Ensure Threats Reduction to Sea Turtles at the Foraging Ground of Cerro Verde MPA

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Natalia Botero Acosta 18 Dec 2009

Diagnosis of the Taxonomic Composition, Spatial Distribution, Social Structure and Conservation Threats of Marine Mammals in Tribugá’s Gulf

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Rodrigo Garcia Pingaro 15 Dec 2009

Promoting a Sanctuary for Whales: Habitat Conservation and Education of Southern Right Whale in Coastal Communities Uruguay

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Carolina Natalia Gargiulo 15 Dec 2009

Conservation Status of the Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus) in Three National Parks of Central Argentina