Central and Latin America

1681 projects

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Verónica Quiroga 15 May 2008

Ecology and Conservation of the Jaguar (Panthera onca) and the Puma (Puma concolor) in the Argentine Semi-Arid Chaco: Influence of Prey Availability and Human Presence in the Region

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Milene Martins 9 May 2008

Conservation Genetics of Populations of the Black-Faced Lion Tamarins (Leontopithecus caissara) from Superagüi Island and Mainland, Paraná, Brazil

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José F Zamorano-Abramson 9 May 2008

Killer Whale Interactions with Human Activities in Chilean Patagonia. Integrating Local Knowledge and Community Participation in Order to Support a Marine Conservation Program in the Area

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George Stoyle 8 May 2008

Conserving Parrotfish as Keystone Species; Integrating Social and Ecological Approaches to Prevent Macroalgal Dominance on Caribbean Coral Reefs

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Maíra Proietti 8 May 2008

Conservation Genetics and Migratory Patterns of Sea Turtles in Southern Brazil

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Cristal Ange 8 May 2008

Community Participation in the Characterization and Surveillance of the Jaguar (Panthera onca) and in the Construction of a Local Conservation Plan for this Species in the International Bird Area “Valley of San Salvador”, La Guajira Department, Colombia

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Rocio Ponce-Reyes 29 Apr 2008

Integrating Patterns and Processes for Identifying Conservation Priorities Among Fragments of Mexican Tropical Montane Cloud Forest

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Luis Suarez 28 Apr 2008

Transboundary Air Pollution in Peruvian Amazon

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Jaime Andrés Cabrera 26 Apr 2008

Natural Licks Ecology in the Southern Colombian Amazon

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Jaime Ernesto Rivera-Hernandez 25 Apr 2008

Towards a Strategy of Environmental Education and Communitarian Ecotourism in San Juan Teponaxtla, Oaxaca, Mexico

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Marybel Crespo Saucedo 25 Apr 2008

An Evaluation of the Population of the Threatened Yellow-Rumped Antwren (Terenura sharpei) in the Yungas of Bolivia (Cochabamba-Bolivia)

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Laura del Pilar Echeverri García 24 Apr 2008

Nesting Females Monitoring and Clutches Protection of Leatherback Turtle at La Playona, Acandí-Chocó During 2008

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Alessandro Catenazzi 17 Apr 2008

Conservation of Montane Forest Anurans in South-Eastern Peru I

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Rigel Fernández Valle 17 Apr 2008

Functional Diversity and Conservation of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi from Natural and Man-Made Plots of a Tropical Savanna

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Kristina Louise Cockle 16 Apr 2008

The Parana Pine Forest Project / Proyecto Selva de Pino Parana II

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Soledad Diaz 28 Mar 2008

Enicognathus Ferrugineus (Aves, Psittacidae) Dietary, Reproductive and Habitat Selection Aspects in Araucaria araucana Forests

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Marina Londres 28 Mar 2008

Ecology and Management of Andiroba (Carapa guianensis aubl.) in Tidal Floodplain Forests of the Amazon Estuary: Participatory Research of a Community-Identified Priority Timber and Non-Timber Tree Species

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Mario Cabrera 27 Mar 2008

Lizards Diversity and its Understanding by Local People in Central Argentina

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Rocio Mariano Jelicich 27 Mar 2008

Migration Patterns and Population Connectivity of the Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger intercedens) in South America: A Continental Approach

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Leonardo de Carvalho Oliveira 27 Mar 2008

Can Golden-Headed Lion Tamarins Survive in Cabruca Agroforest? Management Implications for an Endangered Species and Habitat

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Lida Marcela Franco Pérez 26 Mar 2008

Ecology, Behavior and Conservation of the Endangered Arboreal Marsupial Small Dromiciops gliroides “Monito de Monte”

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Edgardo Ernesto Di Giacomo 26 Mar 2008

Identification of Egg Laying Areas for Chondrichthyan Fishes in a Coastal Zone of San Matías Gulf, Northern Patagonia, Argentina

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Ricardo Alvarez 26 Mar 2008

Population Density, Distribution and Conservation Status of Marine Otter (Lontra felina) in the Archipielago de las Guaitecas and Corcovado Gulf

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Adriana Bravo 28 Feb 2008

Frugivorous Bats and Collpas: Activity Hotspots as Conservation Priorities for the Rainforests of Southeastern Peru

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Alexandre Paro 28 Feb 2008

Population Size and Site Fidelity of the Estuarine Dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) in South Rio Grande do Norte State, Northeast Brazil – Implications for Conservation