Central and Latin America

1681 projects

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Daniel Abugattas 6 Jul 2007

Do People Care Enough To Do? Assessing Attitudes Towards Marine Wildlife: An Instrument Proposal – Peru


Agnese Mancini 1 May 2007

Incidental by Catch or Directed Harvest? Mortality Rates of Sea Turtles in Baja California Sur, Mexico

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Roberto Lindig-Cisneros 3 Apr 2007

Biodiversity Conservation and Ecological Restoration at the Mintzita Wetland Complex, Michoacan

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Nigel Pitman 3 Apr 2007

Monitoring Faunal Recovery in a Former Illegal Logging Hotspot in Amazonian Peru

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Andrés Tálamo 2 Mar 2007

Regeneration Mechanisms of the Two Most Important Arboreal Species in Semi-Arid Chaco Forest in Argentina

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Diego Amorocho 2 Mar 2007

Nesting Ecology and Public Participation for Conservation Management of the Olive Ridley Sea Turtle at Gorgona National Park – Colombia

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Enrique Javier Derlindati 9 Feb 2007

Conservation of High Andes Flamingo Species (Phoenicoparrus andinus and P. jamesi): Habitat Use and Activity Patterns in Two Contrasting Wetland Systems of Argentina

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Adriana Ines Zapata 9 Feb 2007

Regal and Hawk Moths of the ‘Serrano’ Forest in Eastern Slopes of the ‘Sierras Chicas’ of Cordoba


Ansel Fong G 8 Feb 2007

Status, Distribution and Conservation of Threatened Amphibians of Cuban Rainforests

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Hamish Campbell 8 Feb 2007

Using Caiman Yacare as a Sentinel Species to Monitor Environmental Degradation of the Pantanal, Wetlands Brazil I

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Gerardo Robledo 7 Feb 2007

Conservation and Restoration of Puffball Fungal Diversity in Polylepis Forests, Argentina

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Shaeandhoa Garcia 28 Jan 2007

Evaluating the Conservation Status of the Threatened Andean Bear (Tremarctos ornatus) in La Sierra de Portuguesa, Venezuelan Andes II

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Jocelyn Finch 14 Dec 2006

Building Biological Monitoring for Enhanced Management of the Sapodilla Cayes Marine Reserve, Belize

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Daniel Renison 14 Dec 2006

Restoration of Polylepis Mountain Woodlands in the High Córdoba Mountains, Argentina

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Antonio de la Torre de Lara 14 Dec 2006

Research for the Conservation of the Jaguar in the Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, Mexico

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Carlos Manuel VP Canelhas 14 Dec 2006

Campaign Against Bomb Fishing in Bahia, Brazil


Rodrigo Nunez 14 Dec 2006

Jaguar Conservation in the Nahua Indigenous Community on the Michoacan Coast, Mexico

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Ingrid Holzmann 9 Dec 2006

Comparative Study of the Behavioral Ecology of Alouatta guariba Clamitans in Two Protected Areas with Different History of Land Use in the Atlantic Forest of Misiones, Argentina

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Pablo García-Borboroglu 7 Dec 2006

Conservation and Biology of an Endemic Flightless Marine Duck in Patagonia, Argentina

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Laura Guichon 7 Dec 2006

Shearing of Wild Guanacos in Patagonia: A New Threat for their Already Depressed Populations?

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Giovanni Alberto Chaves Portilla 7 Dec 2006

Conservation of Critically Endangered Amphibians: Atelopus farci and Bolitoglossa capitana from Colombia

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Jimmy Andino 6 Dec 2006

Conservation of the Natural Resources through Local Environmental Campaign in Cangrejal River Watershed

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Gonzalo Medina Vogel 4 Dec 2006

Metapopulation Dynamics and Estimation of Population Size of Marine Otter (Lontra felina) Using Molecular Markers in Chile

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Alvar Carranza 4 Dec 2006

Pilot Programme for Ecosystemic Monitoring in Cerro Verde (Uruguay): Benthic Invertebrates as a Tool for Conservation - Phase II

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Esteban Payan 26 Oct 2006

Measuring Impact and Sustainability of Amazon Hunting in Colombia