Central and Latin America

1681 projects

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Jose Antonio Gonzalez 12 Mar 2006

Importance of Cacti and Agaves in the Diet of Different Feeding Guilds of Birds in Neortropical Arid Zones: Contrasting Agricultural Vs. Wild Areas, Venezuela

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Maria E Periago 10 Mar 2006

Density Estimates of Grey Brocket Deer in Chancaní Reserve, Córdoba, Argentina


Agnese Mancini 10 Mar 2006

Incidental Bycatch or Directed Harvest? Mortality Rates of Sea Turtles in Baja California Sur, Mexico

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Elenise Angelotti Bastos Sipinski 10 Mar 2006

Breeding Sites of the Red-Tailed Amazon

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Carlos Eduardo Trucco Aleman 10 Mar 2006

Livestock and Native Fauna: Changes Affecting Predation and Secondary Dispersal of Seeds of Woody Plant in the Semi-Arid Chaco Woodland, Copo National Park and Surroundings, Argentina

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Carlos Gaymer 9 Dec 2005

Designing Priority Areas for Conservation within a Marine Protected Area in Northern Chile

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Paula Laporta 28 Nov 2005

Management and Conservation Plan for Bottlenose Dolphin Population in the First Marine Protected Area Proposed in Uruguay

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Hector Abuid Hernandez Arana 11 Oct 2005

Baseline for Monitoring Changes in Corals Community Structure and Nutrients in Water at Xcalak, National Marine Park, (Mexican Caribbean)

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Anders Goncalves Da Silva 9 Oct 2005

Conservation Genetics of Large Mammals in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, Brazil


Jorge Luis Hurtado-Gonzales 21 Jul 2005

Andean Cock-of-the-Rock: A Flagship Approach for the Conservation of a Threatened Andean Landscape in Southern Peru, the Machu Picchu Historical Sanctuary

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Javier Adolfo Sarria Perea 21 Jul 2005

Health Status Survey of Wild Populations of the Andean Tapir and the Dwarf Brocket in the Massif of Mamapacha

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Tricia Peterson 21 Jul 2005

Conservation of the Red-Fronted Macaw in the Caine River

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Mark Bowler 20 Jul 2005

Ecology and Conservation of the Red Uakari Monkey in the Yavari Valley of Peru

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Sara Bennett 18 Jul 2005

Naen Arü Inpata – The Animals' House

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Luke Parry 18 Jul 2005

The Need to Feed: Hunting in Second-Growth Forests of the Brazilian Amazon

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Maria Ines da Silva Bento 17 Jul 2005

Agroforestry Systems as a Strategy for Conservation of the Golden Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia) in its Habitat – the Atlantic Forest of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Shauna-Lee Chai 17 Jul 2005

Rehabilitation of the Tropical Montane Rainforests Along the Whitfield Hall/Blue Mountain Peak Area

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Lia Montti 17 Jul 2005

Conservation and Restoration of Subtropical Atlantic Forests Invaded by Monocarpic Woody Bamboo Grasses


Alexis Cerezo 16 Jun 2005

Avian Communities as Affected by the Heterogeneity of the Agricultural Landscape of the Rolling Pampa, Argentina: Dynamics Between Cultivated and Non-Cultivated Environments

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Patricia Pinho 16 Jun 2005

Dynamics and Consequences of Natural Resource Management: Perspectives from Local Based Fishery Management in the Brazilian Amazon

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Maria Elena Cuello 7 Jun 2005

Developing a Conservation Program for Atelognathus patagonicus and Endangered Endemic Frog of Northwestern Patagonia

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Shaeandhoa Garcia 26 May 2005

Evaluating the Conservation Status of the Threatened Andean Bear (Tremarctos ornatus) in La Sierra de Portuguesa, Venezuelan Andes I

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Matilde Alfaro 24 Apr 2005

Isla Verde - The Only Nesting Site of Royal, Cayenne and South American Terns in Uruguay

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Leandro L. Tamini 7 Mar 2005

Incidental Capture of Seabirds in Coastal Fisheries (Seabirds ’04)

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Hugo Aranibar 23 Feb 2005

Global Population Assessment and Conservation Monitoring Program for the Crax globulosa in Bolivia